import zoom from 'vue-image-zoom'; import 'vue-image-zoom/dist/vue-image-zoom.css'; Vue.use(zoom); Usage Normal: this.$zoom('/path/to/your/img'); With Params: this.$zoom('/path/to/your/img', { allowZoom: true, // When false, zooming is not available. Image will be shown ...
<vue-image-zoomerregular="path-to-regular.jpg"zoom="path-to-zoom.jpg":breakpoints="[{width: 1200,regular: 'path-to-regular-1200.jpg',zoom: 'path-to-zoom-1200.jpg'},{width: 992,regular: 'path-to-regular-992.jpg',zoom: 'path-to-zoom-992.jpg'}]"/><!-- webp example --><vue-...
vue-image-zoom Files are loading... Selected files No files selected. Select the files you want to use using the switches on the left.Maintained by jsDelivr team and contributors Founded by Dmitriy Akulov Sign up to our newsletter Subscribe...
vue vue3 image zoom zoomer magnify product webp lazyload typescript samhtfc •2.4.4•12 hours ago•1dependents•MITpublished version2.4.4,12 hours ago1dependentslicensed under $MIT 22,488 vue-inner-image-zoom A Vue.js component for magnifying an image within its original container. ...
Vue Js Zoom in and zoom out is a useful feature in web development that enables users to change the size of an image for improved viewing. Vue.js provides several options for implementing this functionality, including CSS transforms and Vue.js
import 'vue-inner-image-zoom/lib/vue-inner-image-zoom.css';UsageImport the component and include in your template:import InnerImageZoom from 'vue-inner-image-zoom'; ... export default { components: { 'inner-image-zoom': InnerImageZoom } } ... <inner-image-zoom src="/path/to/image....
<zoom-on-hoverimg-normal="image.jpg"img-zoom="bigger-image.jpg":scale="1.5":disabled="true"@loaded="onload"@resized="onresize"></zoom-on-hover> register the component with your vue app or component newVue({el:"#app",components: {zoomOnHover: zoomOnHover } }) ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于vue pinch zoom image的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及vue pinch zoom image问答内容。更多vue pinch zoom image相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
To get the most from Sirv (dynamic image resizing, image zoom tiling and much more):Create a Sirv account (or login). Upload media to your Sirv account.Install Sirv Media Viewer npm package npm install @sirv/sirvjs-vue#pnpm add @sirv/sirvjs-vue#yarn add @sirv/sirvjs-vue...
In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to zoom in or enlarge an image on hover using Vue.js. Additionally, I will also explain how to shrink or make the image smaller on hover. Abhishek Yadav (SD)SDE of FAI Feedback written