方法一:使用第三方库vue-image-zoom 步骤: 使用npm安装vue-image-zoom库:npm install vue-image-zoom 在Vue组件中引入vue-image-zoom库:import ImageZoom from 'vue-image-zoom' 在模板中使用ImageZoom组件,并传递需要缩放的图片地址和缩放参数:<image-zoom :src="imageSrc" :settings="zoomSettings"></image-...
Zoom source is not needed but recommended for a sharper zoom, if there is no zoom image selected then the regular image will be zoomed by 2 by default. Demo:https://samueljon.es/vue-image-zoomer Installation npm i vue-image-zoomer ...
Vue Js Image Zoom out or in on click | Example 1 2 3 4 5 const app = new Vue({ 6 el: "#app", 7 data() { 8 return { 9 url: 'https://www.sarkarinaukriexams.com/images/editor/1670265927Capture123243243423.PNG', 10 isZoomed: false 11 } 12 }, 13 methods: { 14 toggle...
Zoom source is not needed but recommended for a sharper zoom, if there is no zoom image selected then the regular image will be zoomed by 2 by default. Demo:https://samueljon.es/vue-image-zoomer Installation npm i vue-image-zoomer ...
import'vue-inner-image-zoom/lib/vue-inner-image-zoom.css'; Usage Import the component and include in your template: importInnerImageZoomfrom'vue-inner-image-zoom';...exportdefault{components:{'inner-image-zoom':InnerImageZoom}}...<inner-image-zoomsrc="/path/to/image.jpg"zoomSrc="/path/...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vue-image-zoom. A vue-based image viewer plugin with zooming
效果图如下: 接下来进入代码实现环节: 首先下载插件 npm i image-zoom-vue -S 在需要的组件上引入 <template> <div id="app" style="width: 500px;height: 500px;"
zoomIn(scale=2)- Zoom in. zoomOut(scale=0.5)- Zoom out. <v-zoomer-gallery> Props list: Array<string> required- Displaying image urls; v-model(value): number required- Index of current showing image; pivot: 'cursor' | 'image-center'- Same as above; ...
<zoom-on-hoverimg-normal="image.jpg"img-zoom="bigger-image.jpg":scale="1.5":disabled="true"@loaded="onload"@resized="onresize"></zoom-on-hover> register the component with your vue app or component newVue({el:"#app",components: {zoomOnHover: zoomOnHover } }) ...
useZoom.vue <template><!-- class必须有cloudzoom 插件会去查找这个类名 --><!-- data-cloudzoom: 为配置项文档地址参考:http://www.kumic.cn/scriptshow.php?cid=5&id=16 --></template>import"../assets/cloudzoom";exportdefault{name:"UseZoom",props: {msg:String, },mounted() {this.$next...