cdvue-report-designernpminstall devextreme@24.2-stable @devexpress/analytics-core@24.2-stable devexpress-reporting@24.2-stable Create thesrc/App.vuefile with the following content: <template></template>import*askofrom'knockout';import"devexpress-reporting/dx-reportdesigner";expor...
之后,使用cd转到FRCoreVueOnlineDesigner文件夹并执行命令: npm install. 2.在VisualStudio中打开创建的项目。在开始之前,首先安装必要的NuGet套包。在套包管理器中,选择本地存储C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FastReports \ FastReport.Net \ Nugets。我们从这个存储库安装了两个软件包:FastReport.Core和FastRep...
Report Viewer and Designer in Vue.js application This repository contains the HTML5/JavaScript Report Viewer and Report Designer integration sample in Vue.js. It empower your web application with feature-rich report preview, edit, and customization capabilities that allow you to explore data easily ...
The HTML5 Report Viewer and Web Report Designer are built upon HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This allows using them in virtually any JavaScript framework including Vue.js.The solution we are about to examine is a very basic approach to create a new Vue application, include the viewer and ...