Pentaho:一个企业级的开源报表工具,支持数据整合、分析和报表。可以通过Pentaho Server或Pentaho Report Designer生成报表并嵌入到Vue应用中。 Tableau:一个商业报表工具,提供强大的数据可视化功能。通过Tableau Server或Tableau Public,可以将报表嵌入到Vue应用中。 步骤: 选择合适的报表插件并阅读官方文档,了解其功能和使用...
ActiveReportsJS 使用JSON格式和rdlx-json扩展用于报表模板文件。在应用程序的public文件夹下,创建名为report.rdlx-json的新文件,并在该文件中插入以下JSON内容。 { "Name": "Report", "Body": { "ReportItems": [ { "Type": "textbox", "Name": "TextBox1", "Value": "Hello, ActiveReportsJS Designer"...
@form-create/designer是基于@form-create/element-ui和ElementPlus实现的低代码表单设计器组件。支持Vue2和Vue3 @form-create/vant-designer是基于@form-create/vant和Vant实现的移动端低代码表单设计器组件。支持Vue3 @form-create/antd-designer是基于@form-create/ant-design-vue和AntDesignVue实现的低代码表单设计...
The HTML5 Report Viewer and Web Report Designer are built upon HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This allows using them in virtually any JavaScript framework including Vue.js.The solution we are about to examine is a very basic approach to create a new Vue application, include the viewer and ...
Designer方法旨在显示在线设计器。SaveDesignedReport方法将修改后的报告保存在服务器上。 4.提交。对于添加的两个方法中的每一个,都需要创建相同名称的视图: 将以下代码添加到Design.cshtml文件中: @await ViewBag.WebReport.Render() 将以下代码添加到SaveDesignedReport.cshtml文件: ...
Flowchart & Flowchart designer component for Vue.js(flowchart-react for React.js). Usage yarn add flowchart-vue <template> Add Del Edit Save
roy-designer-toolbar-slot 设计器上方工具栏插槽 必要外部依赖库 需要安装以下依赖才可使用: vue vuex remixicon vxe-table@legacy shepherd.js xe-utils API PTD-Designer Props PTD-Viwer Props 联系我 参考项目与文章 report-designer printer-editor
src="./public/spread/gc.spread.sheets.designer.all.17.0.2.min.js" > window.onload = function () { //Apply License //GC.Spread.Sheets.LicenseKey = 'sjs-distribution-key'; //GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.LicenseKey = 'designer-component-distribution-key'; var config = GC.Spread.Sheets.Desi...
In that article, we will look at the way to display the online report designer in an application written in the Vue.Js framework in conjunction with ASP .Net Core. To create an application in such a bundle, we need to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, or the .Net Core 2.0 SDK, as...
Vue UI libraries are also included in DevCraft bundles.Learn more. Satisfy All Your Vue UI Requirements and Save Time While Doing It Meet even the strictest requirements for performance, design and UX, accessibility, and so much more with this customizable, designer and developer-friendly Vue UI...