vue-use-fixed-header - Turn your boring fixed header into a smart one. navpress - NavPress is a CLI tool for generating static navigation websites. It allows you to quickly build a navigation site through a configuration file. Carousel vue-easy-slider - Slider Component of Vue.js. vue-fl...
lockScroll 是否在 Dialog 出现时将 body 滚动锁定 Boolean 否 true modalTitle 弹窗标题文字 String 否 图片裁剪 boxWidth 裁剪工具宽度 Number 否 800 boxHeight 裁剪工具高度 Number 否 400 cutWidth 默认裁剪宽度 Number 否 200 cutHeight 默认裁剪高度 Number 否 200 tool 是否显示工具栏 Boolean 否 true tool...
lockScrollLock scroll when modal is showBooleanNotrue labelButton textStringNo选择图片 boxWidthTool widthNumberNo800 boxHeightTool heightNumberNo400 cutWidthSelection box widthNumberNo200 cutHeightSelection box heightNumberNo200 toolShow toolbarBooleanNotrue ...
let lockScreenBack = document.getElementById("lock_screen_back"); = "all 3s"; = 10000; = "0 0 0 " + this.lockScreenSize + "px #667aa6 inset"; this.showUnlock = true; Cookies.set("last_page_n...
<Icon type="ios-lock-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon> </Input> </FormItem> <FormItem> <Button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit('formInline')">Signin</Button> </FormItem> </Form> </template> export default { components: { }, data...
if you need to lock dragging to an axis, or want to animate the nodes as they're being sorted. Vue Slicksort aims to provide a simple set of component mixins to fill those gaps. If you're looking for a dead-simple, mobile-friendly way to add sortable functionality to your lists, the...
vue-focus-lock - It is a trap! A lock for a Focus. A11y util for scoping a focus. vue-a11y-calendar - Accessible, internationalized Vue calendar. eslint-plugin-vuejs-accessibility - Vue.js accessibility eslint-plugin managed by @vue-a11y .Components...
: turn on modern mode by default, and provide a--no-moduleoption (@sodatea) @vue/cli-plugin-typescript,@vue/cli-service #6405feat: supportvue.config.mjs(@sodatea) :boom: Breaking Changes @vue/cli-ui-addon-webpack,@vue/cli-ui-addon-widgets,@vue/cli-ui...
<template> <el-popover placement="bottom" width="300" trigger="click" :class="'select-icon'" @show="popoverShow" > <el-input suffix-icon='data-icon' v-model='value' placeholder='请选择'> <template slot="prepend"></template> </el-input> <el-tabs v-model="activeName"> <el...