yarn add @j2only/slide-unlock or npm install --save @j2only/slide-unlock Usage Import the component in your app and pass some settings: <template><slide-unlockref="vueslideunlock":auto-width="true":circle="true":width="400":height="60"text="slide to unlock"success-text="success"name=...
vue3 vue.js typescript vue slide vue slide to unlock j2only joseph2 customizable j2only• 0.5.11 • 6 days ago • 1 dependents • MITpublished version 0.5.11, 6 days ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT 3,273 vue-slide-up-down Like jQuery's slideUp/slideDown, but for Vue! vue...
Slide to Unlock Component "vue-slide-unlock is a Vue 3 slide-to-unlock component that helps you protect users from accidental clicks or protect your web app from bot attacks. It's built using the Vue 3 Composition API with Typescript and Vite, coated with tests using Cypress." Creator Ant...
1. Install and import the SlideUnlock component. import SlideUnlock from "vue-slide-unlock" export default { components: { SlideUnlock } } 2. Add the component to the template. <slide-unlock @completed="complete()" /> 3. Available props to customize the slide to unlock component. autoWidth:...
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue' ...+import UnlockSlider from '@nativescript-community/ui-vue-unlock-slider'+Vue.use(UnlockSlider) <UnlockSliderref="unlockSlider"@change="sliderChange"/> exportdefault{data(){return{slidePercent:0}},methods:{sliderChange(percent){this.slidePercent=percent;},...