<ChildComponent ref="childRef" /> <!-- 按钮点击时调用子组件方法 --> Call Child Method </template> import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue'; export default { components: { ChildComponent }, methods: { callChildMethod() { // 通过 this.$refs 访问子组件实例,并调用子组件方法 t...
array <template>{{ msg }}button {{ i }}<Child:ref="`ks_ref_${i}`":order="i"/></template>importChildfrom"./Child";exportdefault{name:"HelloWorld",components: {Child, },props: {msg:String, },data() {return{list: ["a","b","c"], }; },methods: {clickTab(tab) {console.l...
callChildMethod() { console.log("父组件中调用子组件printName方法"); this.$refs.headerChild.printName(); }, getChildAttribute() { console.log( "父组件获取子组件title属性值:" + this.$refs.headerChild.title ); }, printName() { console.log("打印父组件title属性值:" + this.title); } ...
Vue.js Parent Call Child Component Method Vue.js Parent Call Child Component Method 单个定义的 ref ,使用 this.$refs.xxx 获取的是 一个组件的实例对象 通过v-for 循环后多个定义的 ref,使用 this.$refs.xxx 获取的是 一个组件的实例对象的数组 methods: { clickRef(inde...
// ParentComponent.vue<template><ChildComponent ref="childRef"/>CallChild Method</template>import{ ref }from'vue';const childRef=ref();const callChildMethod=()=>{// 调用子组件的方法childRef.value.incrementCounter();}; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ...
ChildComponent }, methods: { callChildMethod() { this.$refs.child.childMethod() } } } // 子组件 <template> 子组件 </template> export default { methods: { childMethod() { console.log('子组件方法被调用') } } } 在上述代码中,父组件调用了子组件...
By Child Component Refs Assign a ref id to child component, and you can access the child component using this.$refs.[id]. import ChildForm from './components/ChildForm'new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { item: {} }, template: ` <ChildForm :item="item" ref="form" /> Post `,...
child, } } 子组件中: <template>子组件</template>exportdefault{mounted() {this.monitoring()// 注册监听事件},methods: {monitoring() {// 监听事件this.$on('childMethod',(res) =>{console.log('方法1:触发监听事件监听成功')console.log(res) }) },callMethod() {console.log...
There are other ways to access child functions e.g. using events and props. But in this example, we’ll access child functions usingrefs. Let’s start by creating our parent component. We’ll call itHeader.vue. It will be a layout component, which will have a site navigation bar, logo...
<template> <Child :tell-me-what-to-do="someInstructions" @something-happened="hereIWillHelpYouWithThat" /> </template> // Child.vue export default { props: ['trigger'], watch: { shouldCallMethod(newVal) { if (newVal) { // Call the method when the trigger is set to `true` this....