(1) [VueComponent] [Vue warn]: Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: this.$refs[ref].log is not a function" TypeError: this.$refs[ref].log is not a function */}, }, refs ??? object <template>{{ msg }}ref {{ index }}<Child:ref="`ref_${index}`":order="index"/></templat...
: Component | null): ComponentOptions {if (isFunction(child)) {child = child.options} normalizeProps(child, vm)normalizeInject(child, vm)normalizeDirectives(child) if (!child._base) {if (child.extends) {parent = mergeOptions(parent, child.extends, vm)}if (child.mixins) {for...
Vue.js Parent Call Child Component Method 单个定义的 ref ,使用 this.$refs.xxx 获取的是 一个组件的实例对象 通过v-for 循环后多个定义的 ref,使用 this.$refs.xxx 获取的是 一个组件的实例对象的数组 methods: { clickRef(index) { const ref = `ref_${index}`; co...
Type可选值有String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object, Function, 自定义构造函数等父组件传值:highlighter- xml <!-- DadComponent.vue--> <template> <!-- 通过v-bind将data中定义的数据传递给子组件的props,或直接作为属性传递 --> <child-component :title='book_title' author='曹雪芹' :price=...
There are other ways to access child functions e.g. using events and props. But in this example, we’ll access child functions usingrefs. Let’s start by creating our parent component. We’ll call itHeader.vue. It will be a layout component, which will have a site navigation bar, logo...
2、createComponent 接下来,我们先看 createComponent() 的定义,具体如下 export function createComponent ( Ctor: Class<Component> | Function | Object | void, data: ?VNodeData, context: Component, children: ?Array<VNode>, tag?: string ): VNode | Array<VNode> | void { if (isUndef(Ctor)) {...
component has been fully rendered and all child components have been mounted. This can be useful for data fetching or other operations that need to happen after the component has been rendered. So, if you’re trying to call a function on component creation, this is probably the tool y...
length; i++) { // 这里的child可能是普通文本(string, number),也可能是vnode,也可能是 [h('span'), h('div')] const child = normalizeVNode(children[i]); // 递归处理每个子元素 patch(null, child, el, anchor, parentComponent); } }; if (如果是文本节点) { // 处理文本子节点 set...
Vue.prototype._render = function (): VNode {const vm: Component = thisconst { render, _parentVnode } = vm.$optionsvm.$vnode = _parentVnode!let vnode = render.call(vm._renderProxy, vm.$createElement)// set parentvnode.parent = _parentVnodereturn vnode} _render 函数调用 render ...
1、Vue源码解析(一)-模版渲染介绍过,vue初始化时根据template函数生成render函数,本文render函数会调用vm._c('my-component'),_createElement判断'my-component是注册过的组件,因此以组件的方式生成vnode updateComponent = function () { vm._update(vm._render(), hydrating); ...