cqvip:目的:检测系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)患者中T和B淋巴细胞中穹窿核糖核酸2-1(vault ribonucleic acid 2-1,VTRNA2-1)基因的表达水平,初步探索SLE的发病机制。方法:收集25例健康对照者和32例SLE患者的外周血CD4^+T淋巴细胞,另外再收集62例SLE患者(其中活动性SLE患者...
Non-coding 886 (nc886, vtRNA2–1) is the only human polymorphically imprinted gene, in which the methylation status is not determined by genetics. Existing literature regarding the establishment, stability and consequences of the methylation pattern, as well as the nature and function of the nc...
Supplementary Information for: Independent genomewide screens identify the tumor suppressor VTRNA2-1 as a human epiallele responsive to periconceptional environment Matt J. Silver1, Noah J. Kessler1, Branwen J. Hennig, Paula Dominguez-Salas, Eleonora Laritsky, Maria S. Baker, Cristian ...
vtRNA2-1 is a vault RNA initially classified as microRNA precursor hsa-mir-886 and recently proposed as “nc886”, a new type of non-coding RNA involved in cancer progression acting as an oncogene and tumor suppressor gene in different tissues. We have shown that vtRNA2-1/nc886 is epig...
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Chinese, 1878–1926 溪山雪霁图 立轴 纸本,1912 Medium hanging scroll; paper Size 116 x 51 cm. (45.7 x 20.1 in.) Description Keffiyeh truffaut disrupt Sale Consectetur Estimate Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame Price Tincidunt dui ut ornare