– 点击vscode界面右下角的状态栏,“OUTPUT”一栏的右侧会出现一个“钩号”图标,点击它即可打开插件。 – 在插件配置文件中,选择“Open in New Window”选项。 – 然后,重新运行程序时,输出信息将在一个新的vscode窗口中显示。 3. 使用terminal选项: –在vscode界面下方的状态栏中,点击“TERMINAL”按钮。 – 在...
或者你也可以按下快捷键“Ctrl + ,”来直接打开用户设置。 3. 更改常规配置:在左侧的面板中,你可以找到各种不同的配置选项,如“编辑器(Editor)”,“工作台(Workspace)”,“终端(Terminal)”等。选择你想要更改的配置选项。 4. 修改配置值:在右侧的面板中,你可以找到所选配置选项的详细设置。根据你的需要,修改...
如果远程服务器上还没有Python环境,您可以使用VSCode创建一个新的环境。在VSCode中,打开命令面板,输入“Python: Create Terminal”并选择该命令。在终端中,使用适当的包管理器(如pip、conda等)创建一个新的Python环境。 5. 开始远程开发 现在,您已经成功配置了Python远程开发环境。您可以打开Python文件,编写代码,并使...
{"files.associations": {"*.vue":"vue","*.wpy":"vue","*.wxml":"html","*.wxss":"css"},"terminal.integrated.shell.windows":"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe","git.enableSmartCommit":true,"git.autofetch":true,"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab":true,"emmet.showAbbreviationSuggestions":true,...
terminal Ctrl+Shift+` 创建新终端 Create new terminal Ctrl+Shift+C 复制选定 Copy selection Ctrl+Shift+V 粘贴到活动端子 Paste into active terminal Ctrl+↑ /↓ 向上/向下滚动 Scroll up/down Shift+PgUp / PgDown 向上/向下滚动页面 Scroll page up/down Ctrl+Home / End 滚动到顶部/底部Scroll to ...
在vscode 中打开 window terminal settings.json { "terminal.external.windowsExec": "C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\wt.exe", } 把路径中的 username 改成你的 windows 用户名,然后 ctrl + shift + c 即可。 也可以通过安装 vscode 插件 Window Terminal 实现。 上一篇...
Type: Bug I tried the terminal in new window which worked great, however when I tried to open a new terminal window in the newly opened window I receive an error: The editor could not be opened due to an unexpected error: Not allowed to ...
Terminal appears briefly then disappears. If, in the split second the Terminal window is visible, I click on one of the first 3 tabs (e.g., Debug) the Terminal stays visible but as soon as I click on the Terminal tab it disappears. ...
Ctrl+` 显示集成终端 Show integrated terminal Ctrl+Shift+` 创建新终端 Create new terminal Ctrl+Shift+C 复制选定 Copy selection Ctrl+Shift+V 粘贴到活动端子 Paste into active terminal Ctrl+↑ / ↓ 向上/向下滚动 Scroll up/down Shift+PgUp / PgDown 向上/向下滚动页面 Scroll page up/down Ctrl+Home...
Issue Type: Bug Open any file in editor (say index.js). Press CTRL + ` Terminal (Powershell / Command Prompt) is opened in a new window. Upon closing the new window, the below error is displayed. "The terminal process terminated with exi...