OS Version: Windows 11 Home Single Language (23H2) Steps to Reproduce: Install Visual Studio Code Install the nerd font (you can use any font from this sitehttps://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads). In my case "MesloLGS Nerd Font" Go to vscode settings and configure the property"termi...
These values are saved in .vscode/tasks.json. To change these settings later, open the Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P or Cmd+Shift+P on a Mac), and run the command Bridge to Kubernetes: Configure. You can open .vscode/launch.json and .vscode/tasks.json to see the specific configuration...
OS Version: Windows 10 EnterpriseSteps to Reproduce: Anytime I'm using the VSCode, the terminal will take my cursor to the terminal and print stuff that looks like the below. It prints and moves my cursor so I can't even type a command in some cases. I removed anything to do with ...
At the root of the behavior pack you want to debug, add a .vscode subfolder. Add the following launch.json file into that .vscode folder.If your source is in JavaScript and you are developing directly against that source (you do not use a script build process), you'll want to ...
Open a new Terminal in Visual Studio Code: Terminal > New TerminalRun the following commands:Note Setting environment variables in this manner only affects the current terminal session. To make these changes permanent across all sessions, set them through the Windows System Environment Variables panel...
So, when you use the debugger in combination with a compiled language like TypeScript, you will need to adjust the configuration of launch.json in your .vscode folder to provide that additional information. Specifically, you will need two additional paths, in addition to configuring localRoot:...
//github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/120913"group":"test","options":{"cwd":"${workspaceFolder}/app"},"presentation":{"reveal":"always","clear":true,"panel":"dedicated","group":"cap"}},{"label":"Open Browser","type":"shell","linux":{"command":"x-ww...
The AppleScript code below will quit Mail, vacuum the SQLite index, then re-open Mail. On a large email database that hasn't been optimized for a while, this can provide significant improvements in responsiveness and speed. (* Speed up Mail.app by vacuuming the Envelope Index ...
(andcommit 24f1b69fixes that) git bashinvscode terminalas defaultIf you are lazy like me. Then I advise you to do the same as me. Step1: Open setting:Ctrl + , Step2: search.json
produces detailed information about the compiler in use. It returned the same version number for the compiler as if I wouldn't have defined the Roslyn folder under the .vscode as PATH in the environment variables. Therefore I think I can safely conclude this: Visual Studio...