nvidia-smi-memory:以非常简略的饼图形式在 status bar 显式 GPU 的利用率 nvidia-smi+ :在 side bar 显示通过 nvidia-smi 命令获得的 GPU 信息 GPU Environments:GPU 环境管理工具 genv 的vscode 插件,功能有指定 vscode session 可见的 GPU,限制可用显存大小,锁定 GPU 不被别人占用等 代码和项目管理 doc &...
"editor.minimap.side": "right", 237 238 // 对鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 `deltaX` 和 `deltaY` 乘上的系数。239 "editor.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": 1, 240 241 // 按住`Ctrl` 键并滚动鼠标滚轮时对编辑器字体大小进行缩放。242 "editor.mouseWheelZoom": false,...
Side by side editing VSCode 支持最多分为三列, 快捷键 cmd+1/2/3 文件类型关联, 比如某奇葩语法明明是 html 非要搞成 wxml, 明明是 css 非要搞成 wxss "file.associations": { ".wxss": "css } 除了可以使用 cmd+d 来增加光标, 也可以使用 opt+cmd+up/down/click 来向上/下/点击位置增加光标...
Side by side Default is side by side diff. Inline view Toggle inline view by clicking the More (...) button in the top right and selecting Switch to Inline View. If you prefer the inline view, you can set "diffEditor.renderSideBySide": false. Review Pane Navigate through diffs with F7...
"workbench.editor.openPositioning": "right", // Controls the default direction of editors that are opened side by side (e.g. from the explorer). By default, editors will open on the right hand side of the currently active one. If changed to `down`, the editors will open below the ...
Side by side Markdown edit and preview 在Markdown文档中,键盘快捷键为:Ctrl+K V。 IntelliSense Ctrl+Space触发建议部件。 Peek 选择一个符号,然后键入Alt+F12。或者使用上下文菜单。 Go to Definition 选择一个符号,然后键入F12。或者使用上下文菜单或按Ctrl键并单击。
"editor.minimap.side": "right", // 对鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 `deltaX` 和 `deltaY` 乘上的系数。 "editor.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": 1, // 按住 `Ctrl` 键并滚动鼠标滚轮时对编辑器字体大小进行缩放。 "editor.mouseWheelZoom": false, // 当多个光标重叠时进行合并。 "editor.multiCursorMerge...
This is a hack; it works fine, but there are side effects (see issue#22276). Key repeat doesn't work Are you on a Mac? Did you go through our mac-setup instructions? There are annoying intellisense/notifications/popups that I can't close with <esc>! Or I'm in a snippet and I...
And to be explicit, you can also add this one outside of the [json] block: {"prettier.tabWidth":2} Share Copy link Improve this answer Follow answeredJan 29, 2021 at 9:12 Guillermo Brachetta 4,59733 gold badges2626 silver badges4141 bronze badges ...
+ // we don't restart the server-side portion of code-server when the + // language changes.+ return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configFile, "utf8")); } catch (err) { // Do nothing. If we can't read the file we have no // language pack config. diff --git a/src/...