在“extensions” 视图中, 可以通过搜索栏进行搜索, 安装,也可以创建自己的 extension。 Files and folders Integrated terminal 键盘快捷键:ctrl+`。 Toggle sidebar 键盘快捷键:ctrl+b。 Toggle Panel 键盘快捷键:ctrl+j。 Zen mode 键盘快捷键:ctrl+k z。 Esc键退出。 Side by side editing 键盘快捷键:Ctrl+...
我最常用的是Ctrl+Shift+O和Ctrl+Shift+T,分别是格式化打印变量形状和变量类型: ✨ Press Ctrl+Shift+O to print attribute of variable, here is tensor shape by default, e.g.print(f"==>> a.shape: {a.shape}"). ✨ Press Ctrl+Shift+T to print function of variable, here is type by def...
5. In addition to previewing individual files, you can also use the Split Editor feature to view multiple files side by side. To do this, select the files you want to compare in the Explorer sidebar, right-click, and choose “Split Editor”. 6. Once the files are split, you can previ...
右键要比较的第一个文件,选择Select for Compare。 右键要比较的另一个文件,选择Compare with Selected。方法三是使用code -d命令。例如,如果要比较a.txt和b.txt两个文件,只需要在命令行中输入以下命令即可:code -d a.txt b.txt81 文件使用技巧37: 利用临时文件查看差异在项目开发的过程中,如果我们需要查看两...
l13Diff.confirmDelete- If false confirm dialog for deleting files does not appear. Is not used if you have to decide which side have to be deleted. l13Diff.confirmOpenMultipleDiffPanels- If trueCompare AllandCompare All Side By Sideshows a dialog if more than 3 diff panels will be opened ...
A3: Yes, you can split the VSCode window horizontally or vertically to display two files side by side. To do this, you can either use the View menu options or the keyboard shortcuts (e.g., Ctrl+\ followed by Left/Right arrow keys for horizontal split, or Ctrl+\ followed by Up/Down...
"files.participants.timeout": 5000, // Restore the undo stack when a file is reopened. "files.restoreUndoStack": true, // A save conflict can occur when a file is saved to disk that was changed by another program in the meantime. To prevent data loss, the user is asked to compare ...
还好,VS Code插件库里有Partial Diff这款神奇的插件,选中一代码,右键Select Text for Compare,选中另外一部分代码,右键Compare Text with Previous Selection即可。 9. TODO Tree 安装次数:40万+ 我在此前多篇文章中提到过,习惯使用TODO、FIXME标签是一个非常好的习惯。 当我们发现某块代码需要修改,或者某块代码需...
VScode快捷键的常用信息归纳 by 吃码小妖 调出键盘快捷键 按键:Ctrl + K Ctrl + S 显示所有的快捷键:如下图。 列表绝对详尽无遗。默认键盘快捷键中的“此处有其他可用命令”下可能会列出更多命令。 键盘快捷键 ——可以搜索快捷方式方式自己的键绑定添加到 keybindings.json 文件中。
"editor.minimap.side": "right", // 对鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 `deltaX` 和 `deltaY` 乘上的系数。 "editor.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": 1, // 按住 `Ctrl` 键并滚动鼠标滚轮时对编辑器字体大小进行缩放。 "editor.mouseWheelZoom": false, // 当多个光标重叠时进行合并。 "editor.multiCursorMerge...