window.showTextDocument(document); }; export const jumpToPossibleFiles = async ( current: string, relativeFiles: string[], isJumpToTestFile: boolean, createTestFileOption: CreateTestFileOption ) => { // 显示选择框,获取用户选择结果,注意这是异步操作 const select = await vscode.window.showQuick...
Implementing new folder structure and migration. Creating dedicated tickets for each of the items above would help reduce noise, make the tasks feel more manageable (increasing motivation), and help encourage community participation. This is just my 2 cents. ...
-T, --stop-delay=# delay for automatic PCM stop is # microseconds from xrun -v, --verbose show PCM structure and setup (accumulative) -V, --vumeter=TYPE enable VU meter (TYPE: mono or stereo) -I, --separate-channels one file for each channel -i, --interactive allow interactive ope...
java.debug.settings.showStaticVariables:在”变量"中显示静态变量,默认为false。 java.debug.settings.showQualifiedNames:在变量中显示完全合格的类名,默认为false。 java.debug.settings.showLogicalStructure:在变量中显示Collection和Map类的逻辑结构,默认为true。 java.debug.settings.showToString:显示所有在Variables中...
全文5000字,解读 vscode 背后的代码高亮实现原理。 Vscode 的代码高亮、代码补齐、错误诊断、跳转定义等语言功能由两种扩展方案协同实现,包括: 基于词法分析技术,识别分词 token 并应用高亮样式 基于可编程语言特性接口,识别代码语义并应用高亮样式,此外还能实现错误诊断、智能提示、格式化等功能 ...
VSCode Version: 1.41.0 OS Version: Windows 10 10.0.18362 My VS Code is not showing the sub folders when there is only one folder, it only shows when there is 2 or more. I attached a screenshot to show an example. I would like to make it ...
完整的列表请查阅 一文。 Hover 示例 Hover 功能实现分两步,首先需要在 package.json 中声明 hover 特性: 复制 {..."main":"out/extensions.js","capabilities": {"hoverProvider":"true",...}} ...
The Explorer should show the repository's file structure. Relevant logs and/or screenshots In the logs for the extension nothing shows up. Possible fixes I have no possible fixes. @Thaurin, it's strange. Would you please try whether you can reproduce the issue I'm unable ...
structure to the directory. */"strict": false, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */"esModuleInterop": true, /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES */"skipLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking of declaration files. */"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true ...
The Search viewlet allows you to quickly search within the folder structure, searching filenames as well as contents. 这个搜索视图允许你在文件目录中快速得搜索文件名和文件内容。 Codewill integrate with Git if it is installed on your system. You can easily initialize a new repository, make commi...