使用安装的“Project Structure”插件来可视化项目结构,查看各个模块之间的关系。 #在 VSCode 侧边栏中或命令面板中输入: > Show Project Structure 1. 2. PluginVSCodeDeveloper打开项目文件夹返回项目结构显示结构图 5. 使用调试功能进行分析 利用VSCode 提供的调试功能,设置断点并逐步跟踪代码执行流程,以更好的理解代...
-T, --stop-delay=# delay for automatic PCM stop is # microseconds from xrun -v, --verbose show PCM structure and setup (accumulative) -V, --vumeter=TYPE enable VU meter (TYPE: mono or stereo) -I, --separate-channels one file for each channel -i, --interactive allow interactive ope...
java.debug.settings.showHex:在变量中以十六进制格式显示数字,默认为false。 java.debug.settings.showStaticVariables:在”变量"中显示静态变量,默认为false。 java.debug.settings.showQualifiedNames:在变量中显示完全合格的类名,默认为false。 java.debug.settings.showLogicalStructure:在变量中显示Collection和Map类的...
window.showQuickPick(pickItems); // 取消选择时,返回空 if (!select) { return; } // 省略业务代码 }; src/createTestFile.ts主要功能: 如果用户对搜索结果不满意或者未找到测试文件,需要弹出输入框,帮助用户快速新建的测试文件 import vscode, { QuickPickItem } from "vscode"; export const createTest...
https://code.visualstudio.com/api/language-extensions/syntax-highlight-guide 分词 分词过程本质上将一长串代码递归地拆解为具有特定含义、分类的字符串片段,比如+-*/%等操作符;var/const等关键字;1234或"tecvan"类型的常量值等,简单说就是从一段文本中识别出,什么地方有一个什么词。
完整的列表请查阅 https://code.visualstudio.com/api/language-extensions/programmatic-language-features#show-hovers 一文。 Hover 示例 Hover 功能实现分两步,首先需要在 package.json 中声明 hover 特性: 复制 {..."main":"out/extensions.js","capabilities": {"hoverProvider":"true",...}} ...
},"name":"meta.structure.array.json5"// ...},"constant": {"match":"\\b(?:true|false|null|Infinity|NaN)\\b","name":"constant.language.json5"}// ...} } OK,结束了,没了,就是这么简单。 调试工具 Vscode 内置了一套 scope inspect 工具,用于调试 TextMate 检测出的 token、scope 信息...
Re-structure READMEs Mar 21, 2023 tsconfig.json Integrate metals-languageclient with the build Mar 21, 2023 Metals VS Code extension This is a monorepo for the VS Code extension for Metals. It contains the following projects: metals-vscode: the actual extension ...
java.debug.settings.showQualifiedNames: show fully qualified class names in "Variables" viewlet, defaults to false. java.debug.settings.showLogicalStructure: show the logical structure for the Collection and Map classes in "Variables" viewlet, defaults to true. java.debug.settings.showToString: sho...
"Option+Command+y": Will show you all of your built-in LaTeX recipes. "Shift+Option+b": When you are inside a .tex file, this will open the accompanying output PDF in an external viewer. We recommend using Skim, which you can set up with sync so that it will refresh whenever you ...