{ "name": "remote_qmcui", "host": "192---", "protocol": "sftp", "port": 22, "username": "qmcui", "password": "密码", "remotePath": "/devdata/qmcui/", "uploadOnSave": true, "useTempFile": false, "openSsh": false, "connectTimeout": 500, "ignore": [ "**/.vscode/...
GitHub - Rakers1024/rakers-git-commit-vscode: Git提交规范VSCode插件 选择规范化 commit 信息头输入 commit 框,适合简单输入 GitHub - bendera/vscode-commit-message-editor: Edit commit messages in a convenient way. 提供一个窗口以表单或者文本的形式输入 commit GitHub - rioukkevin/vscode-git-commit 交互...
在vscode 工作区.vscode 目录建 sftp.json 文件 内容如下 {"host":"IP地址","port":22,"username":"用户","password":"密码","protocol":"sftp","agent":null,"privateKeyPath":null,"passphrase":null,"passive":false,"interactiveAuth":true,"remotePath":"远程服务器路径","uploadOnSave":true,"s...
"host": xxx", "protocol": "sftp", }, "测试":{ "host": "xxx", "protocol": "sftp", "port": xxx, "username": "root", "remotePath": "/xxx" } } 然后通过命令sftp:set Profile可以切换不同的服务器。 在vscode状态栏会显示当前的profile. 插件: Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 它为代码中的...
Ctrl+Shift+Pon Windows/Linux orCmd+Shift+Pon Mac open command palette, runSFTP: configcommand. A basic configuration file will appear namedsftp.jsonunder the.vscodedirectory. Edit the parameters to match your setup. For instance: {"name":"Profile Name","host":"name_of_remote_host","protocol...
Remote FS SFTP vscode SFTP 功能增强 terminal Generate Windows Terminal Scheme:可以给 terminal 配色 Terminal All In One:可以给 terminal 进行 主题配色美化,设置快捷键等增强功能 系统信息监测 Stats Bar / Resource Monitor: 用于系统资源(CPU 占用率,内存,磁盘等)监测的 vscode 插件,可以直接在 vscode 的 st...
一、文件传输:安装sftp插件,使用Ctrl+Shift+P弹出命令面板,输入sftp:config,会在当前工程的.vscode文件夹下生成一个sftp.json文件。选中vscode浏览目录中的文件,右键->upload,将本地代码上传至服务器。右键 -> Diff with Remote,查看修改的差异。二、代码跳转设置:创建.vscode的settings.json文件,...
You can open Remote Explorer by:Run Command View: Show SFTP. Click SFTP view in Activity Bar.You can only view a files content with Remote Explorer. Run command SFTP: Edit in Local to edit it in local.Note: You need to manually refresh the parent folder after you delete a file to ...
"command": "sftp.revealInExplorer", "title": "Reveal in Explorer", "category": "SFTP" }, { "command": "sftp.revealInRemoteExplorer", "title": "Reveal in Remote Explorer", "category": "SFTP" }, { "command": "sftp.remoteExplorer.editInLocal", "title": "Edit in ...
"port": 22, //端口,sftp模式是22 "username": "", //用户名 "password": "", //密码 "protocol": "sftp", //模式 "agent": null, "privateKeyPath": null, "passphrase": null, "passive": false, "interactiveAuth": false, "remotePath": "/root/node/build/", //服务器上的文件地址 ...