这里可能会发现连接失败,这个时候可以尝试用xshell等等其他软件测试是否为服务器端的问题,但是一般情况下是vscode的问题,因此在vscode中,我们需要配置一下。Ctl+shift+p打开面板,找到下面这个Remote-SSH:settings | edit in json | 填入如下文本,就能连接上SSH: { "security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles": "open"...
"密码", "remotePath": "/devdata/qmcui/", "uploadOnSave": true, "useTempFile": false, "openSsh": false, "connectTimeout": 500, "ignore": [ "**/.vscode/**", "**/.git/**", "**/.DS_Store" ], "watcher": { "files": "glob", "autoUpload": true, "autoDelete": false ...
If you've never created a.code-workspacefile, you might start with a new folder in your home directory, for instance you could name it "VSCodeWorkspace" or "MyApp". Copy the example configuration (shown above) into a new file, and make sure you edit the URI to be specific to your de...
使用:命令面板中输入File-Transform 类似于 "Search In Current File" 插件, File and Transform 插件也是自动帮我们填写搜索文件,只不过它支持二次查找,譬如第一次是搜索“ncnn”,找到了10个文件;接下来选择 "File-Transform: Search in the Result files" 则会自动填入上次的10个文件, 然后你只需要改搜索关键...
Rainbow CSV: Highlight CSV and TSV files, Run SQL-like queries Simple CSV Editor:Show, edit and save CSV data. Really nothing much at this time. 方便筛选和编辑大的 csv 文件内容 Number Plotter:从选择的一系列数字绘制折线图或者直方图 图像查看与编辑 Image Comparator:对比两张或者多张图片,方便比...
一. vscode配置 1. 设置vue文件格式化 "workbench.editor.enablePreview": false, // 是否允许预览 "editor.detectIndentation": false, // 默认根据文件类型预测空格数关闭 "editor.insertSpaces": true, // 自动插入空格 "editor.tabSize": 2, // 代码缩进修改成2个空格 ...
点击EDIT CONFIGURATION,然后去生成github token 登录github并打开https://github.com/settings/tokens 点击Generate new token 输入账号密码 输入Note 选择[*] gist Create gists 点击Generate token 配置 安装好后会自动弹出Setting Sync(或者ctrl+shift+p输入 sync,找到sync:advanced options,然后点击—>再点击打开设置...
Visual Studio Codecombines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for their core edit-build-debug cycle. It provides comprehensive code editing, navigation, and understanding support along with lightweight debugging, a rich extensibility model, and lightweight integration with existing...
format格式化代码:Ctrl + Shit + L 打开/关闭侧边栏:Command + B 打开终端等面板: Command + J 搜索配置、插件、编辑器相关:F1(command + t后,去掉#,改成>) 搜索:F1/command+T,带箭头搜索编辑器,去掉小箭头后搜索代码文件 跳转到指定行:Ctrl + G,输入框输入指定行数,自动跳转 ...
{"python.linting.pylintEnabled":true,"python.pythonPath":"C:\\Users\\scfan\\Anaconda2\\python.exe","C_Cpp.errorSquiggles":"Disabled","remote.onstartup":true,"fileheader.customMade":{"Author":"Scfan","Date":"Do not edit","LastEditors":"Scfan","LastEditTime":"Do not edit","Descr...