I would like to increase the max line length from 79 to 92 characters by adding the following entry to my config: "flake8.args": [ "--max-line-length 92" ], However, this does not seem to have any effect since I keep getting warnings tha...
怎么解决VSCode提示 “editor.maxTokenizationLineLength” 当拷贝过长的html代码块时出现提示: 出于性能原因,对长行跳过令牌化。长行的长度可通过“editor.maxTokenizationLineLength” 进行配置 操作步骤: 点击设置图标 点击设置 搜索框搜索"editor.maxToken... ...
I come from Atom (mainly due to VSCode's awesome debugging features) but the lack of this feature is a bit annoying because it relies that I add a linter to my project. Not all projects are big or important enough to justify a linter but all my projects could use themax_line_lengths...
1、McCabe 复杂度默认情况下是不会输出的,必须携带参数 flake8 a.py --max-complexity=5 2、以通过 --ignore 忽略指定输出 flake8 a.py --ignore E501,E231,E203 3、通过 --select 参数设置只展示指定输出 flake8 a.py --select F401 3.4. vscode 自动检测复杂度的方法 1、 settiongs.json中添加参数...
{"python.linting.flake8Enabled":true,"python.formatting.provider":"yapf","python.linting.flake8Args": ["--max-line-length=248"], # 设置单行最长字符限制"python.linting.pylintEnabled":false# 关闭pylint工具 }
(Each wrap level adds this many spaces. This applies when thefirst element after an open-group section is wrapped. Otherwise, theindentation level is set to the column position of the open-groupoperator.); default: 4;Flags from external/com_google_absl/absl/flags/parse.cc:--flagfile (...
1、McCabe 复杂度默认情况下是不会输出的,必须携带参数 flake8 a.py –max-complexity=5 2、以通过 –ignore 忽略指定输出 flake8 a.py –ignore E501,E231,E203 3、通过 –select 参数设置只展示指定输出 flake8 a.py –select F401 3.4. vscode 自动检测复杂度的方法 1、 settiongs.json中添加参数–ma...
(LV_PALETTE_BLUE, 3)); /* 主要刻度属性 */ lv_style_set_line_color(&indicator_style, lv_palette_darken(LV_PALETTE_BLUE, 3)); lv_style_set_width(&indicator_style, 10U); /*Tick length*/ lv_style_set_line_width(&indicator_style, 2U); /*Tick width*/ lv_obj_add_style(scale, &...
vscode set.json配置 { // 換行 "editor.wordWrap": "on", //忽略git警告 "git.ignoreMissingGitWarning": true, //字体大小 "editor.fontSize": 18, // 两个选择器中是否换行 "explorer.confirmDelete": false, //自定义主题 // "workbench.colorTheme": "Dracula Soft", //One Dark Pro Vivid...
"editor.lineNumbers": "on", // 控制是否在编辑器中检测链接并使其可被点击。 "editor.links": true, // 突出显示匹配的括号。 "editor.matchBrackets": "always", // 由于性能原因,超过这个长度的行将不会被标记 "editor.maxTokenizationLineLength": 20000, // 控制是否显示缩略图。 "edito...