4、indent_size<number> : 缩进大小 5、end_of_line<"lf" | "cr" | "crlf"> : 换行符类型 6、insert_final_newline<boolean> : 是否让文件以空行结束 7、trim_trailing_whitespace<boolean> : 是否删除行尾空格 8、max_line_length<number> : 最大行宽。 二、常用文件名匹配 1、* 匹配除/之外的任...
[*.md] #表示仅md文件适用以下规则 max_line_length=off trim_trailing_whitespace=false ESLintjs代码检查 Flake8python代码检查如果要忽略错误, 可以设置 "flake8.args": ["--max-line-length=3333","--ignore=W292,E225,E203,W503"], Highlight Matching Tag高亮匹配标签 JavaScript Code Snippetjs代码片段...
> git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file - bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8) + locale -a locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default ...
I come from Atom (mainly due to VSCode's awesome debugging features) but the lack of this feature is a bit annoying because it relies that I add a linter to my project. Not all projects are big or important enough to justify a linter but all my projects could use themax_line_lengthse...
"gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols": false, 2093 2094 // Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ code lens is clicked 2095 // - gitlens.toggleFileBlame: Toggles file blame annotations 2096 // - gitlens.diffWithPrevious: Compares the current committed file with th...
(tab | space)indent_size = 4 # 缩进大小end_of_line = lf # 控制换行类型(lf | cr | crlf)trim_trailing_whitespace = true # 去除行首的任意空白字符insert_final_newline = false # 始终在文件末尾插入一个新行[*.md] # 表示仅 md 文件适用以下规则max_line_length = offtrim_trailing_whitespace...
"files.autoSave": "onWindowChange", "[vue]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "octref.vetur" //"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" }, "[javascript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify" }, "[scss]": { ...
"editor.lineNumbers": "on", // 控制是否在编辑器中检测链接并使其可被点击。 "editor.links": true, // 突出显示匹配的括号。 "editor.matchBrackets": "always", // 由于性能原因,超过这个长度的行将不会被标记 "editor.maxTokenizationLineLength": 20000, // 控制是否显示缩略图。 "edito...
Supports the use of formatting instructions ;@format array_style: collapse, object_style: expand to change the object style of different blocks Custom folding Fold the part between ;@region tag and ;@endregion, ;{ and ;} ;#region tag code ;#endregion Declaration document The declaration fil...
(DocumentChangeEventArgs e) { lock (_lock) { _lineCount = _document.Lines.Count; if (e != null && e.OffsetChangeMap != null && _lineRanges != null && _lineCount == _lineRanges.Length) { // it's a single-line change // update the offsets usign the OffsetChangeMap Recalculate...