1. 使用“快捷方式”(Shortcut):在VS Code中使用快捷键“Ctrl + K”然后“Ctrl + O”,然后选择你想要打开的项目文件夹。 2. 使用命令面板:使用快捷键“Ctrl + Shift + P”打开命令面板,然后输入“文件:打开文件夹”(File: Open Folder),选择该选项并按下回车键,然后选择你想要打开的项目文件夹。 希望以上...
Create a new file by double-clicking the Explorer pane or set a custom keyboard shortcut. Create a new file in a new folder with “folder/file.ext”. 双击资源管理器窗格或设置自定义键盘快捷键创建新文件。用 "folder/file.ext "在新文件夹中创建新文件。 Check out the VS Code Key Bindings d...
{ "nameShort": "Code - OSS", "nameLong": "Code - OSS", "applicationName": "code-oss", "dataFolderName": ".vscode-oss", "win32MutexName": "vscodeoss", "licenseName": "MIT", "licenseUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/blob/master/LICENSE.txt", "win32DirName": "Microso...
Loads of the cool features that you would get in Visual Studio are now available, such as Intellisense (note - the keyboard shortcut in VSCode is CTRL-Space rather than ALT-Right arrow) and even refactoring (select the one line of code and a yellow lightbulb should appear above it; click...
There are projects that may have their contracts in the "contracts" directory or you may have a mixture of them that are both in "contracts", "src" or just not specific shortcut. For this the extension internally tries to resolve these generic shortcuts if an import is not found. The ...
VS Code does not implement all of the commands available in Visual Studio. If you would like to see a feature in VS Code that is in Visual Studio, please open anissue on GitHub. We may have missed a keyboard shortcut. If we did please help us out! It is very easy to make a PR...
// use shortcut "Ctrl Opt M" * // or press F1 and then select/type Stop Code Run // or right click the Output Channel and then click Stop Code Run in context menu "code-runner.executorMap": { // Introduction: // Make sure the executor PATH of each language is set in the enviro...
(from theCommand Palette, keyboard shortcut or menu), and also for any window with a folder opened regardless of whether it is the last window. All windows without folders opened will be restored upon next launch. To restore folder windows as they were before shutdown, setwindow.restore...
In the English version of Visual Studio Code, the equivalent of "运行" is "Run". You can find the "Run" option in the "View" menu or by using the keyboard shortcutCtrl + F5. This option allows you to execute your code and see the output. Depending on the programming language you ...
// - alternate: Adds an alternate set of shortcut keys that start with `Alt` (⌥ on macOS) 2292 // - chorded: Adds a chorded set of shortcut keys that start with `Ctrl+Alt+G` (`⌥⌘G` on macOS) 2293 // - none: No shortcut keys will be added ...