I want to add my support for this problem. It is particularly annoying when using the vim keybindings, as right after the fold is closed (usingzc), the mouse is above the just folded code, so if I want to move down below the folded region, it automatically unfolds as I do so. ...
There are currently keyboard shortcuts to fold all comments, and fold all regions. The third category of folding ranges, imports, has no keyboard shortcuts tied to it. For my org, I made an extension that overrides the default C folding ...
(折叠)区域 Fold (collapse) region Ctrl+Shift+] 展开(未折叠)区域 Unfold (uncollapse) region Ctrl+K Ctrl+[ 折叠(未折叠...)所有子区域 Fold (collapse) all subregions Ctrl+K Ctrl+] 展开(未折叠)所有子区域 Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions...Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 折叠(折叠)所有区域 Fold (collaps...
Code Runner 编辑器中运行代码 To select language to run, use shortcutCtrl+Alt+J, or press F1 and then select/type Run By Language, then type or select the language to run: e.g php, javascript, bat, shellscript… tabnine AI代码自动补全 參考 VSCODE的正确开启方式,程序员提速必学使用 VS C...
]//Fold (Ctrl+Shift+[) folds the innermost uncollapsed region at the cursor//Unfold (Ctrl+Shift+]) unfolds the collapsed region at the cursor//Fold All (Ctrl+K Ctrl+0) folds all region in the editor//Unfold All (Ctrl+K Ctrl+J) unfolds all regions in the editor ...
Visual Studio Code (VS Code)是微软为 Windows、Linux、macOS 打造的开源代码编辑器(图 1-1 )。广受欢迎的标准特性包括支持调试、语法突出显示、自动代码完成、代码片段、代码重组和嵌入式 Git。用户可以自由更改设计主题、键盘快捷键和首选项,也可以安装额外的扩展来升级整个项目的功能。 微软在 2015 年的 Build...
You can fold regions of source code using the folding icons on the gutter between line numbers and line start. Move the mouse over the gutter and click to fold and unfold regions. Use Shift + Click on the folding icon to fold or unfold the region and all regions inside. ...
use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C(Cmd+Alt+C for macOS), or right-click in the editor and then select Generate Code Snippet in the menu, or press F1 and then select/type Rest Client: Generate Code Snippet, it will pop up...
Support json and xml body indentation, comment shortcut and auto closing brackets Code snippets for operations like GET and POST Support navigate to symbol definitions(request and file level custom variable) in open http file CodeLens support to add an actionable link to send request Fold/Unfold ...
See more in Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code. Tune your settings Open User Settings settings.json Keyboard Shortcut: kb(workbench.action.openGlobalSettings) Format on paste 1. editor.formatOnPaste: true 本文档使用 书栈网 · BookStack.CN 构建 - 26 - 小技巧 Change the font size 1. editor...