import{window}from'vscode';functionshowPythonInstallationMessage(){window.showInformationMessage('Python is not installed in your WSL. Please install Python before connecting.');} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 步骤3:连接WSL 在VSCode中连接WSL非常简单。只需在VSCode的左下角点击“Remote Explorer”按钮,然后选择要...
Type: Bug Opened VScode and this comes up w error modal w buttons retry, ingore or close WSL window. [2024-03-20 10:43:18.792] Extension version: 0.86.0 [2024-03-20 10:43:18.792] L10N bundle: undefined [2024-03-20 10:43:18.801] authority...
code tunnel not connecting microsoft/vscode-remote-release#8126 TheItsNameless commented on Mar 4, 2023 TheItsNamelesson Mar 4, 2023 Got the same issue, solved for me as well! Is there a fix to be expected? vscodenparemoved new release on Mar 6, 2023 alexr00assigned aeschli and unassi...
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access r...
PHPStorm 也可以进行 Xdebug 调试,VScode 也可以进行配置调试,且比 PHPStorm 的配置简单很多,不用每次...
Unable to debug after connecting to macOS via “Remote - SSH”解决报错:this is a non-interactive debug session, cannot get permission to debug processes. 如果每次ssh到macOS都需要输入密码,设置公钥就行: echossh-rsa xxxxxxxx not@home > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ...
After connecting with port forwarding, use the localhost link printed byopenvscode-server. It includes a token for security and will be similar to: http://localhost:3000/?tkn=40711257-5e5d-4906-b88f-fe13b1f317b7 Open the link in your local browser and VS Code will appear. ...
local source code will not work. While this is the default behavior, in this section we will cover connecting to a remote host so that you can either attach to any running container, or use a local devcontainer.json file as a way to configure, create, and connect to a remote dev ...
Hi, I have the same issue. I'm connecting to our gitlab instance trough a http proxy. The gitlab instance has self signed certificates. I managed to import the required certificates into the system and can do: curl --proxy https://<my-instance>/api/graphql ...
Problem/Motivation After the automatic upgrade of VSCode desktop to version 1.86.0, I'm no longer able to connect to HA using the Remote SSH extension. This issue is discussed at length on vscode GitHub: vscode server won’t start: “Waiti...