Type: Bug Opened VScode and this comes up w error modal w buttons retry, ingore or close WSL window. [2024-03-20 10:43:18.792] Extension version: 0.86.0 [2024-03-20 10:43:18.792] L10N bundle: undefined [2024-03-20 10:43:18.801] authority...
If I exec into a running container from the host, code won't run at all, or gives a warning if I run code from its nested location within ~/.vscode-server. If there's a way to get a tunnel running inside a container through some manual process, would you or someone else please ...
Operating System Windows 11 Version v3.2 Python Version 3.10.1 Chip Description ESP32 Device Description No response Hardware Configuration No response How is Esptool Run PlatformIO and Console Full Esptool Command Line that Was Run espt...
SSH: connect to host does not remember my previous folder, it always enters a no folder vscode. Is it possible that this action remembers the last active folder in that SSH connection? This way the user would not end up in the empty folder experience this often If we decide that showing...