5. 使用插件:VSCode有许多强大的插件,如”Multi Edit”、”Select Same”等,这些插件提供了更多的编辑多个位置的功能和选项。 以上是在VSCode中同时修改多个位置的几种方法,你可以根据具体的需求选择合适的方式来进行操作。 赞同 8个月前 0条评论 不及物动词 这个人很懒,什么都没有留下~ 评论 在VSCode中...
自问自答,Multiline comments是插件 GitHub Pull Requests and Issues 里的功能,在release note最下面...
四、配置 setting.json 找到File > Preference > Settings > Text Editor > Code Actions On Save > Edit in setting.json打开进行编辑 添加如下的配置到你的setting.json (这个注释很全就不过得解释了) { "workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile", "window.zoomLevel": 1, // window be show of le...
*/ export type CommandImplementation = (accessor: ServicesAccessor, args: unknown) => boolean | Promise<void>; interface ICommandImplementationRegistration { priority: number; name: string; implementation: CommandImplementation; } export class MultiCommand extends Command { private readonly _implementation...
Currently VSCode when an str (any word or symbol) is selected, the same exact str is highlighted in all other places in the same file and even if a full line is selected it will be highlighted in other places if existed.. But if we selec...
When attempting to make a multi-line goto defintion on a single line file the hover preview and link underline will not show on ctrl+hover but ctrl+click still works fine and Peak Definition also works fine const definitionLink: vscode.D...
"Date": "Do not edit", "LastEditors": "voanit", "LastEditTime": "Do not Edit" }, //函数注释-快捷键ctrl+alt+t (window), ctrl+alt+t(mac) "fileheader.cursorMode": { "name": "", // "test": "test font", // "msg": "", ...
然后设定 vim 常用的 multicommand "multiCommand.commands":[{"command":"multiCommand.multiEscape","sequence":[//聚焦到第一组编辑器上"workbench.action.focusFirstEditorGroup",//同时触发vim的esc效果,避免一些bug发生"extension.vim_escape",//可选:关闭搜索栏图标"closeFindWidget",//可选:关闭智能提示栏...
点击EDIT CONFIGURATION,然后去生成github token 登录github并打开https://github.com/settings/tokens 点击Generate new token 输入账号密码 输入Note 选择[*] gist Create gists 点击Generate token 配置 安装好后会自动弹出Setting Sync(或者ctrl+shift+p输入 sync,找到sync:advanced options,然后点击—>再点击打开设置...
SVsParseCommandLine SVsPathVariableResolver SVsPreviewChangesService SVsProfferCommands SVsProfileDataManager SVsProfilerLauncher SVsProfilesManagerUI SVsProjectMRU SVsPropertyPageFrame SVsQueryEditQuerySave SVsReferenceManager SVsRegisterDebugTargetProvider SVsRegisterEditors SVsRegisterNewDialogFilte...