这将在当前行的上方或下方插入一个新的光标。 3. 按下Alt+Shift+向下箭头(或者使用菜单栏的Edit->Column Selection->Add Cursor Below)来添加多个光标。按下次数足够多来达到所需的行数。 4. 在多个光标的位置上输入内容。 方法二:使用插件 1. 安装“Multi Cursor”插件。可以通过按下Ctrl+P(或者使用菜单栏...
编辑框(Edit Box)控件实际上是一个简易的正文编辑器,用户可以在编辑框中输入并编辑正文。编辑框既可以是单行的,也可以是多行的,多行编辑框是从零开始编行号的.在一个多行编辑框中,除了最后一行外,每一行的结尾处都有一对回车换行符(用"\r\n"表示).这对回车换行符是正文换行的标志,在屏幕上是不可见的.编...
Specifies the time (in milliseconds) to wait before re-blaming an unsaved document after an edit. Use 0 to specify an infinite wait 1994 "gitlens.advanced.blame.delayAfterEdit": 5000, 1995 1996 // Specifies the maximum document size (in lines) allowed to be re-blamed after an edit while...
}, 'direction': { 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['up', 'down'], }, 'selectionLines': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'number' } } } } } ] } }); } invoke(_foldingController: FoldingController, foldingModel: FoldingModel, editor: ...
Type: Bug When selecting with ctrl+D and updating multiple lines at once, if cursor is moved with keys like home/end on lines of different length, it can make potential mistakes while using this feature For eg: 1 def vscode(self): 2 ...
Each file can contain multiple fragments separated by --- lines. (This is only useful if the fragments have different If conditions).JSON is a subset of YAML, so you can use that syntax if you prefer.Changes should take effect immediately as you continue to edit code. 然后找到这个文件,加...
找到File > Preference > Settings > Text Editor > Code Actions On Save > Edit in setting.json打开进行编辑 添加如下的配置到你的setting.json (这个注释很全就不过得解释了) { "workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile", "window.zoomLevel": 1, // window be show of level in ide ...
'no-multiple-empty-lines': [2, { 'max': 1 }], 'no-native-reassign': 2, 'no-negated-in-lhs': 2, 'no-new-object': 2, 'no-new-require': 2, 'no-new-symbol': 2, 'no-new-wrappers': 2, 'no-obj-calls': 2, 'no-octal': 2, 'no-octal-escape': 2, 'no-path-concat'...
Type: Bug squiggle lines enabling option is not available in settings to enable it. VS Code version: Code 1.84.2 (1a5daa3, 2023-11-09T10:51:52.184Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22621 Modes: System Info Item Value CPUs Intel(R) Core(T...
editorReadonly"},{"key":"ctrl+d","command":"-editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch","when":"editorFocus"},{"key":"ctrl+d","command":"editor.action.copyLinesUpAction","when":"editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"},{"key":"shift+alt+up","command":"-editor.action.copyLinesUp...