Please add a flag to code --install-extension that allows users to specify the extension is to be installed for all users. FWIW, @rhyspaterson mentioned needing this same functionality in a comment on Issue #27972. 👍68👎1 ️14 Activity Sign up for free to join this conversation ...
2024-01-19 10:18:32.197 [info] Deleted uninstalled extension from disk d:\vscode\Microsoft VS Code\extensions\ 2024-01-19 10:18:32.562 [warning] [cmake-tools]: Couldn't find message for key cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.options.advanced.statusBa...
settings.json文件里新增以下配置, 设置gotools的全局安装目录"go.toolsGopath":"D:\go-global-tools" Location to install the Go tools that the extension depends on if you don't want them in your GOPATH. When specified as a workspace setting, the setting is used only when the workspace is ma...
settings.json文件里新增以下配置,设置go tools的全局安装目录"go.toolsGopath":"D:\go-global-tools" Location to install the Go tools that the extension depends on if you don't want them in your GOPATH. When specified as a workspace setting, the setting is used only when the workspace is ma...
code --install-extension yzhang.markdown-all-in-one-1.4.0.vsix 待看到如下提示即意味着安装成功,就可以打开 VSCode 进行查看了Extension ‘yzhang.markdown-all-in-one-1.4.0.vsix’ was successfully installed!至此,离线安装 VSCode 插件就算结束了。
List the installed extensions. --show-versions Show versions of installed extensions, when using --list-extension. --category Filters installed extensions by provided 方法二 右键桌面的 VSCode 快捷方式,点击属性,将目标由 D:\development\tools\VSCode-win32-x64-1.46.1\Code.exe ...
Package Control: Install Package, 安装Sublime LSP插件 Preferences: LSP Settings, 增加 lsp 配置、语言选择器和语法高亮. 这是一个简单的语法高亮示例, 存放在类似路径下C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User\LSP-ahk2\AutoHotkey2.sublime-syntax ...
- Java Extension Pack - Java Test Runner 运行和调试JUnit的测试用例 - Maven for Java 对Maven的支持。 安装插件 Spring Boot Extension Pack 安装此插件时会同时安装下列关联插件: - Spring Boot Tools - Cloudfoundry Manifest YML Support - Concourse CI Pipeline Editor ...
三、MARKDOWN ALL IN ONE Markdown All in Oneis often considered the Swiss Army knife of Markdown plugins in VSCode. It brings together many features essential for Markdown editing into a single extension. With this plugin, users can enjoy facilities likekeyboard shortcuts,table of contents gener...
安装Yeoman[2] 和VS Code Extension Generator[3]: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ npm install-g yo generator-code 这个脚手架会生成一个可以立马开发的项目。运行生成器,然后填好下列字段: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ yo code # _---_ ╭──────────────────────────╮ #|...