An extension is uniquely identified by its publisher and extension IDs. If you select theTODO Highlightextension, you will see the Extension details page, where you can find the extension ID, in this case,wayou.vscode-todo-highlight. Knowing the extension ID can be helpful if there are seve...
Codename: uma Steps to Reproduce: Download the latest VScode, unzip and open a repo with commandcode . Try to install search and install any extension it fails to install. Here is the Log from output view -> Window 2024-10-20 15:10:19.353 [error] [network]#7:https://marketplace.visua...
Then go back to vscode and install the extension of your choice, a new extensions.json file will be created. You can go ahead and delete the extensionss.json file. All the best! Please sign in to rate this answer. 3 people found this answer helpful. 1 comment Show comments...
If you select the TODO Highlight extension, you will see the Extension details page, where you can find the extension ID, in this case, wayou.vscode-todo-highlight. Knowing the extension ID can be helpful if there are several similarly named extensions....
Type: Bug Navigate to extensions > search for any extension > install extension VS Code version: Code 1.93.0 (4849ca9, 2024-09-04T13:02:38.431Z) OS version: Linux x64 6.8.0-40-generic Modes: System Info Item Value CPUs 12th Gen Intel(R) ...
查了挺多次,感觉影响也没有那么大,也就是自己搜函数什么的,就没太管。今天又搜了一下这个问题,竟然很容易解决了。 问题详情: 解决: sudo chown -R 你的用户名 ~/.vscode/extensions 原因是extension没有权限,更改目录权限就可以了 参考:
Install OpenVisual Studio Code PressCtrl+Shift+Xto open the Extensions tab TypeVue Extension Packto find the extension Click theInstallbutton Configuration Update settings config (settings.json) {"eslint.validate": ["javascript","javascriptreact","vue"],"editor.formatOnSave":true,"editor.codeActio...
Building a VisualStudio.Extensibility-based extension in Visual Studio now produces a standalone VSIX package. You can share your VSIX locally to enable others from your team or organization to install it directly, and you can also publish it in the Marketplace to reach the largest audience of...
One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need.
In VS Code, pressctrl+pand execute the commandext install SonarSource.sonarlint-vscode.Or you can visitVS Code Marketplace, search for theSonarLintextension, and directly install it in your local VS Code application. However, SonerLint extensions require some prerequisites like JRE 11+ to work pr...