@KonssnoKWe fixed a bug with .editorconfig formatting with 1.22.11 (and our pending 1.23.1, but the fix is not in 1.23.0) -- are you sure you're on that version? (you may need to reload the extension after it installs the new version). With C_Cpp.loggingLevel set to "Debug" ...
Steps to reproduce format is not working Expected behavior Logs Screenshots Additional contextSaad2012 changed the title formatting doesn't work format doesn't work Aug 5, 2020 Collaborator sean-mcmanus commented Aug 5, 2020 • edited Is this a regression compared to 0.29.0? Can you provid...
{ "python.linting.pylintEnabled": false, "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true, "python.linting.enabled": true, "python.formatting.provider": "black", # input manually "python.linting.flake8Args": ["--max-line-length=88"] # input manually } I found a 'black formatter' document. ...
"alwaysUseNot": false, "alwaysUseAtBlock": false, "alwaysUseExtends": false, "alwaysUseNoneOverZero": false, "alwaysUseZeroWithoutUnit": false, "reduceMarginAndPaddingValues": false, "ignoreFiles": [] }, "formattingToggle": { "activateFor": [ "formatOnPaste", "formatOnSave" ] }, "to...
I have updated to the latest version, but it is still not working. visual-studio-code prettier editedJul 20 at 18:54 risingTide 1,89677 gold badges3838 silver badges6565 bronze badges askedJun 25 at 4:40 Lau Chun Hong 12122 silver badges44 bronze badges ...
java.debug.settings.numericPrecision: the precision when formatting doubles in "Variables" or "Debug Console" viewlet. java.debug.settings.hotCodeReplace: Reload the changed Java classes during debugging, defaults to manual. Make sure java.autobuild.enabled is not disabled for Kylin Java(Support Op...
Fix formatting not working on Windows if the VC++ 2015 redist isn't installed. #2232 Fix variables not resolving in macFrameworkPath. #2234 Fix Go to Definition not working for macros followed by . or ->. #2245 Fix #include autocomplete with Mac framework headers. #2251 Fix debugging to ...
linting 可以通过"python.formatting.provider": "autopep8", 设置,还支持 yapf 和 black Jupyter notebook 的支持为使用 docker 远程炼丹提供了方便,效果类似于下图,具体参考[Working with Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code] debugging 可以直接调用远程 Python 环境进行 debug,图下图所示,最左边红箭头指的地...
If you’re working with data, there’s a high chance that you’ll also encounter an excel spreadsheet in some form. Excel Viewer makes it easy to deal with excel data in your VS Code editor by formatting long and comma-separated strings into a tabled format. This can work wonders for ...
Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.blame.dateFormat` setting "gitlens.blame.format": "${message|40?} ${agoOrDate|14-}", // Specifies whether to provide a heatmap indicator in the gutter blame annotations "gitlens.blame.heatmap.enabled": true, // Specifies where the ...