Issue Type: Bug Shift + option + f (Format Document) is not formatting the code if the keyboard is selected as ABC - India on mac. Ideally it should format the file. It is working perfectly if I am switching over to US keyboard. VS Code ...
再看执行命令Format Document触发的规则,我们先右键选择Format Document With...来查看默认用的是哪个格式化工具,如图所示,可以看到默认用的是Prettier,到这里就很清晰了,Prettier的配置如果和eslint的配置不一样,那么执行Format Document就肯定和执行Command+S得到的格式化结果不一样了。 所以要想格式化结果一样,可以把...
'more':{'inner':'This whole logical line should be wrapped.',some_tuple:[1,20,300,40000,500000000,60000000000000000]}}return(some_tuple, some_variable)defexample2():return{'has_key() is deprecated':True}.
Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ...): N/A i think, not 100% sure Expected behaviour Format my python document Actual behaviour I can't see it doing anything but running and quitting Steps to reproduce: ...
"documentationFormat": [ "markdown", "plaintext" ] } }, "definition": { "dynamicRegistration": true }, "references": { "dynamicRegistration": true }, "documentHighlight": { "dynamicRegistration": true }, "documentSymbol": { "dynamicRegistration": true, "symbolKind": { "valueSet": ...
My answer is just loosely coupled to the question but as this question is the top result for googling "vetur auto format not working" I would like to add a possible solution to that. My template had thelangattribute set like this<template lang="">. After removing the attribute auto ...
Fix hover doc comments not working if there's a selection. #5635, #6583 Fix #include completion to include results for non-standard header file extensions. #5698 Fix clang-format failing due to missing libtinfo5 on Linux ARM/ARM64. #5958 Automatically configure to use a custom configuration...
editor.formatOnType no longer adds space after * in multi-line arguments. (#2048) Fix bug where tooltips would popup whenever a comma is typed within a string. (#2057) Change keyboard shortcut for Run Selection/Line in Python Terminal to not interfere with the Find/Replace dialog box. (...
第一步:点击文件-首选项-设置(快捷键:Ctrl + ,) 第二步:在搜索框里面输入emmet,选择工作区 点击 在settings.json 中编辑(红色框的地方) 第三步,在settings.json中,输入 “editor.formatOnSave”: true 保存 如图: 这样在VsCode使用Ctrl+S,就可以保存代码自动格式化Html/Css/JS。vscode...
to integrate it into my projects. VSCode, as well as the full blow Visual Studio, support Markdown (with of course the proper extensions installed). When I create a new PowerShell project in VSCode, I can store the projects documentation in Markdown format right alongside the PowerShell ...