功能跟rust插件差不多,也有find all references的功能,能用。
This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 3. 为vscode安装插件 C++ Intellisense 这个插件支持"Peek definition" && "Find all reference" 功能, 但是这个插件有个小bug, 安装完后并不能正常工作。而且作者很长时间没有更... 功能跟rust插件差不多,也有find all references的功能,能用。
Expected result: It should also show 2 other references in other files Later on, if I repeat this action, it does find all 3 references. Maybe it's because not all file in the folder are available to be searched? It's a problem because it wrongly claims that there are no references. ...
1. Find all references of a symbol VSCode has this already. 2. Find all references of a file VSCode has this already, but few know about it, and the process for getting to it is unnecessary. Currently you need to use the "find all references" command on an import path that includes ...
所以this.onDidVisibleEditorsChange(() => this.handleVisibleEditorsChange())返回的内容 result 就是上面 SafeDisposable 设置好了 dispose 方法的 this。 最终监听方 xxxService 的类销毁时 -> 调用 xxxService.dispose() -> 找到 xxxService上_register 的事件监听器的返回内容 -> 执行事件监听器返回内容 Safe...
--limit-references=<int> - Limit the number of references returned by clangd. 0 means no limit (default=1000) --limit-results=<int> - Limit the number of results returned by clangd. 0 means no limit (default=100) clangd miscellaneous options: ...
"javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": false, // 启用/禁用在 JavaScript 文件中对所有函数的 CodeLens 引用。 "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": false, // 启用或禁用自动导入建议。要求工作区使用高于 2.6.1 版本的 TypeScript。 "javascript.suggest.autoImports": true, // 完成...