1. 安装VSCode 这个大家都会,就不多说了. 2. 安装gnu global(gtags) 在ubuntu环境下, 进行如下操作. $ sudo apt install global 1 3. 在VSCode中安装C/C++ GNU global插件 在extension部分. 在源代码目录下运行gtags ~/code$ gtags 1 4. 在VSCode中打开源代码目录 此时"Find all reference"可以正常工作. ...
这个插件支持"Peek definition" && "Find all reference" 功能, 但是这个插件有个小bug, 安装完后并不能正常工作。而且作者很长时间没有更新这个插件了,无奈只能自己折腾一番。 找个下面这个文件: linux下: ~/.vscode/extensions/austin.code-gnu-global-0.2.2/out/src/features/referenceProvider.js windows下: ...
It doesn't matter what I set there it still jumps to a reference when I only want the results. Please reopen! Different settings in regards to references and "Find" yield no different result. Besides: the default setting for "Find all references" should not be "Go to reference" since yo...
Right-click on one of the values in the enum and select "Find all references" Actual result: Search results show a single reference, the one I just clicked on. Expected result: It should also show 2 other references in other files Later on, if I repeat this action, it does find all ...
gd:跳转到对象定义,或者找出使用该定义的对象。这个是 vscode 中 vim 插件自带的,对应的英文意思应该是 get/goto definition。但其实他具体的情况其实和find all reference相同。 gd: 定义/引用跳转 ge:goto error(warning, info), 跳转到项目有 Error,Warning 或 Info 的地方。这个能帮我们快速定位因为我们修改代...
(FilterFunc) => Array<T> } ; array.zh-cn.d.ahk ; #ClsName 表示ahk内置类 /** @extends {#Array} */ class Array<T = Any> { /** jsdoc-zh */ Filter(FilterFunc) => Array<T> } ; array.ahk ; %A_Locale% is VSCode's Display Language ;@reference array.%A_Locale%.d.ahk ...
{ reference.dispose(); }); }); }); } export function registerEditorCommand<T extends EditorCommand>(editorCommand: T): T { EditorContributionRegistry.INSTANCE.registerEditorCommand(editorCommand); return editorCommand; } export function registerEditorAction<T extends EditorAction>(ctor: { new():...
配置这些json文件时,会用到预定义变量,具体的解释可以参考官方文档官方文档中的一些预定义变量(https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/variables-reference) tasks.json先贴官方文档:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/taskstasks.json文件内容是构建说明,当为时其实可以简单将它想象成在终端中输入指令(拙...
java.templates.typeComment: Specifies the type comment for new Java type. Supports configuring multi-line comments with an array of strings, and using ${variable} to reference thepredefined variables. java.references.includeAccessors: Include getter, setter and builder/constructor when finding reference...
// - ms-vscode.references-view: Reference Search results as separate, stable view in the sidebar // - vscode.npm: 为 npm 脚本提供任务支持的扩展。 // - vscode.php-language-features: 为 PHP 文件提供丰富的语言支持。 // - vscode.python: 在 Python 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能...