功能跟rust插件差不多,也有find all references的功能,能用。 功能跟rust插件差不多,也有find all references的功能,能用。
vscode "find all references" 提示: no result found. vscode(visual studio code) 是微软推出的一款编辑器。免费,跨平台,最主要是轻便,消耗资源少, 成为码农阅读code的利器。 vscode可以安装第三方的一些插件,满足日常阅读source code的需求。但是这个插件有些小bug,导致效果不如意。下面跟随我一起挑战这些小bug,...
3. Find all references of a folder VSCode does not yet have this feature. When using this on a folder (made available in the context menu), it should show the references for all files inside that folder. A command might be useful here as well (References: Find All References of Folder...
Use "Find all references" on a declaration while the file with the reference is closed. Open the file (mmio.c) with the reference. Use "Find all references". When I open a new file pic.c, then using "Find all references" also can find a new reference. Seems that "Find all referenc...
Shift + F12 显示引用 Show References F2 重命名符号 Rename Symbol Ctrl + Shift + . /, 替换为下一个/上一个值 Replace with next/previous value Ctrl + K Ctrl + X 修剪尾随空格 Trim trailing whitespace Ctrl + K M 更改文件语言 Change file language 编辑器管理 Editor management 按Press 功能Func...
Ctrl+F查找 Find Ctrl+H替换 ReplaceF3/Shift+F3查找下一个/上一个 Find next/previous Alt+Enter 选择查找匹配的所有出现 Select all occurencesofFind match Ctrl+D将选择添加到下一个查找匹配 Add selection to next Find match Ctrl+KCtrl+D将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to nex...
Shift+F12Show References 展示引用 F2Rename Symbol 重命名变量 Ctrl+K Ctrl+XTrim trailing whitespace 除去末尾多余空格 Ctrl+K MChange file language 更改文件语言,编程语言,不是那个语言… 显示 F11Toggle full screen 全屏 Shift+Alt+0Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical) 切换编辑器显示水平/垂直 ...