解决VSCode FileNotFoundError的方法如下: 检查文件路径:确保提供的文件路径是正确的,包括文件名和文件所在的目录路径。可以尝试手动导航到文件所在的目录,确认文件是否存在。 检查文件权限:确保文件所在的目录具有适当的权限,以允许VSCode访问该文件。可以使用命令行或文件管理器来检查和修改文件的权限设置。
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] File b'./train.csv' does not exist: b'./train.csv' 但是如果我修改VSCode终端的所在路径,这样运行就不会报错。 E:\Study\LHYMachineLearning\LHYMLCode\hw1_regression>python -u hw1_regression.py 所以问题就在于运行命令时VSCode终端的所在路径,这里不再过多解释,上面两条...
This is the error: C:\Users\frag>python c:/Users/frag/Documents/game/arcade_game.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:/Users/frag/Documents/game/arcade_game.py", line 310, in <module> main() File "c:/Users/frag/Documents/game/arcade_game.py", line 305, in main window....
When saving changes and attempting to upload them to the FTP, the following error occurs: Configuration not found. The issue may be similar to this link:#394 Initially, the debugging package 1.7.5 had worked for me, and everything was functioning perfectly. However, after installing Node on ...
In Windows 10, from vscode running python file (debug and without debug) gives the following: with open('hyperparams/{}.yml'.format(args.algo), 'r') as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hyperparams/ppo2.yml' Run...
当时在VSCode上运行,会报错:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'common' VSCode上2种运行方式都会报错: 用Ctrl+F5或F5去运行,结果如下: 2. 右键点击py文件内容,选择“Run Python File in Terminal”,一样的报错 后来发现需要在VSCode上配置launch.json,需要新加2行设置 ...
If I edit it in VSCode then after I save it gives this error: { "status": 3, "message": "File to read not found or unreadable: E:/Clients/conversions/css/scss/mobile.scss", "formatted": "Internal Error: File to read not found or unreadable: E:/Clients/conversions/css/scss/mobile...
Found 1 error. 问题4 - 没有导入的函数 这最后一个错误来自于试图导入一个不存在的函数。 具体来说,setHeadingLevel.ts 中的逻辑如下: import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { adjustHeadingLevel } from '../extension'; export async function setHeadingLevel() { ...
错误3:"error: expected ';' before '}' token"。这通常是由于在代码中有语法错误而导致的。请仔细检查您的代码,尤其是花括号、分号和方括号等符号,确保都使用了正确的语法。 通过了解并解决这些常见的错误,您应该能够在VSCode中成功运行C语言程序了。如果您遇到其他问题,可以在开发者社区或相关的论坛中寻求帮助...