2. 进入设置界面:在顶部菜单栏中,点击 “文件”(File)按钮,然后选择 “首选项”(Preferences),再选择 “设置”(Settings)。或者你可以使用快捷键 “Ctrl + ,” 打开设置界面。 3. 扩展搜索框:在设置界面的搜索框中,键入 “install”(无需引号)。 4. 打开扩展路径:在搜索结果中,找到并点击 “Extensions: In...
/Microsoft VSCode/Code.exe[file name] 显然因为你的vscode不装在这个路径…… 找半天找不到路径怎么办? 打开环境变量,看看你自己的在哪里,然后用你的替换C:/My_Programs/VSCode/Microsoft VSCode/Code.exe[file name] 然后就成功了 1.右键菜单添加“用vscode打开”,配置中文语言 ...
mklink /J C:\Users\87716.vscode\extensions D:\Develop\VSCodeExtensions\extensions This works for me. I don't want to use tool much memory in my home directory, so I Create a directory '.vscode-serverin/anotherdisk` ln -s/anotherdisk/.vscode-server/home/me/.vscode-server. ...
stat 'd:\vscode\Microsoft VS Code\extensions\extensions.json.vsctmp': EntryNotFound (FileSystemError): Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'd:\vscode\Microsoft VS Code\extensions\extensions.json.vsctmp' at r.create (d:\vscode\Microsoft...
插件的结构├── extensions---vscode内置插件 ├── src │├── main.js---入口文件 │├── bootstrap-fork.js---衍生子进程(渲染进程) │├── vs ││└── workbench---工作台 ││├── base │││├── browser---浏览器api,可操作dom │││├...
// - Shan.code-settings-sync: Synchronize Settings, Snippets, Themes, File Icons, Launch, Keybindings, Workspaces and Extensions Across Multiple Machines Using GitHub Gist.113 // - shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: Markdown Preview Enhanced ported to vscode ...
在我的环境下,默认的插件目录位于/root/.local/share/code-server/extensions。你可以使用cd / && find -name code-server来查找你自己的插件目录。 打开cpptools的插件目录,查找替换所有的process.env.HOME: 利用VSCode的查找替换功能修复bug 现在,刷新页面,此时应该不会报错了,我们成功修好了C++插件。为了防止更新...
"extensions.ignoreRecommendations": true, "http.proxySupport": "on", // [[XMake]] "xmake.debugConfigType": "codelldb", // 使用 codelldb 插件而非 cpptools 进行调试 "xmake.runMode": "buildRun", // 运行前自动 build "xmake.buildLevel": "verbose", // 设置编译时输出信息级别,默认是warnings...
InSearch Extensions in Marketplace, enterDatabricks. In the entry labelledDatabrickswith the subtitleIDE support for DatabricksbyDatabricks, clickInstall. Step 4: Set up Azure Databricks authentication In this step, you enable authentication between the Databricks extension for Visual Studio Code and your...
vscode_extensions vscode_extensions ### 介绍 For c# developer. tags: xml, json, yaml, swagger, shell, powershell, markdown, .netcore, docker, dockerfile, k8s, kubernetes, msbuild, git, format, unittest, runner, c#, ssh, vscode-icons, nginx, linux, editorconfig,remote-ssh #...