例如:我准备将扩展插件extensions安装到新的地址D:\Microsoft VisualStudioCode\VScode Extensions\中, 我将数据修改为: "D:\Microsoft VisualStudioCode\software\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --extensions-dir "D:\Microsoft VisualStudioCode\VScode Extensions" 1. 四、方法2:...
为了做到这一点,我安装了VS Code的Live Server扩展。这是一个轻量级的、易于使用的本地开发 Web 服务器,也可以在 VS Code 的 Extensions 中找到它并进行安装: 然而,Live Server 扩展并不是 Edge Tools 所必需的。如果你正在使用 Angular、React、Vue.js 等框架,你可能正在使用Node.js和/或各种 CLI 工具作为你...
Once the extensions folder within .vscode-server directory is deleted, you might get the following error when trying to install extensions again. Unable to read file '/home/user/.vscode-server/extensions/extensions.json' (Error: Unable to resolve nonexistent file '/home/user/.vscode-server/exten...
Described as “Polaroid for your code”, Polacode lets youtake and edit screenshotsof your code directly in VS Code. You can resize the code’s container by dragging the corner and use commands to control the image appearance. A great solution to make the code you’ve spent so many hours ...
Read theDocumentationon the VS Code website. Requirements Node.jsat least20.x.x. Linux In order to save credentials safely, this project useskeytarwhich useslibsecret, which you may need to install before publishing extensions. Setting theVSCE_STORE=fileenvironment variable will revert back to the...
Code OSS and derivatives such as VSCodium. As such, they are not made available as individual .vsix packages, for use in other IDE applications, outside of the vscode family. This is why we have this repo here - to build, package and individually publish, the various built-in extensions...
工具 – VS Code Extensions 前言 分享我用着的 Extensions。 Angular Language Service 不用介绍,用 Angular 的必装。 Better Comments 让注释有多点颜色 more colorful。好看最重要。 C# 用C# 的必装。 Code Spell Checker 检查英文有没有错别字。我这种英文差的人必备。
2、删除"C:\Users\{user}\.vscode\extensions\extensions.json"文件,不行 3、修改settings.json文件"http.proxyAuthorization": null,不行(本来就是null) 4、关闭防火墙,不行 5、外出上网(软件是clash),也不行,开了,插件商店直接断网,搜索不到插件 我平时外出上网就用楼梯软件点一下系统代理,有点怀疑是楼梯...
Allowed are the primitive types string, boolean, number, undefined, and null, as well as Position, Range, Uri and Location. Note 2: There are no restrictions when executing commands that have been contributed by extensions. ParameterDescription command: string Identifier of the command to execute...
Today I reopen my VS Code after several days, found the extensions that I installed and used for a long time disappeared totally, and it recommended me to install extension for java. OK, I followed the recommends to install extension, and failed. I checked my Code versi...