1)编写js代码运行不了:Code language not supported or defined ::本意是使用浏览器打开这个html,这样在vscode里不行的, 如果是运行javascript的话,可以在设置里找到code runner , default language 设置为javascrpt 2)运行乱码 exited with code=1 in 0.04 seconds ::配置C,C++ https://blog.csdn.net/bat67/...
Issue Type: Bug I open Visual Studio Code through developer command prompt. Then I press Terminal / New Terminal and receive an error code: the terminal process terminated with exit code: 1 VS Code version: Code 1.40.1 (8795a98, 2019-11-...
Repro steps: 1 - Trying to build with my application in vs code with below configuration, built get fail. Building Docker image... Sending build context to Docker daemon 266.8kB Failed to build Docker image: Error: Process exited with co...
ERROR: GDB exited unexpectedly. Debugging will now abort. The program has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff). vscode成功进入gdb调试,运行过程中意外退出。 bug案发现场# 图1 案发现场 源代码# main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "13.h" int main() { Solution soLuTion; std::cout << soLuTion...
c、visual-studio-code 我正在尝试用C语言编写一个反数程序,但是当我尝试在VSCode中运行时,代码正在运行,并且没有输出,所以我停止了代码,它显示为[Done] exited with code=1 in 122.844 seconds <stdio.h> int n, reverse = 0, rem; scanf 浏览5提问于2021-01-15得票数 1 ...
最近在Win10环境下使用VScode编写C++代码,编译器使用MinGW,看似正常的代码运行结果异常: 1.不用gdb直接运行,无任何输出(代码中有std::cout语句); 2.gdb调试运行,程序直接挂死,输出exited with code 32212…
print ("This is VS Code") a=1 while a <10: print a a = a+ 1 这是输出: [Running] python -u "c:\Users\user\PythonWorkArea\VSCode\HelloWorld\app.py" [![\[Done\] exited with code=0 in 0.293 seconds][1]][1] 打印语句不起作用。 我究竟做错了什么? 慕盖茨4494581 浏览922回答3 3...
The program '/Users/JCNetwork-Mecil9/HomeWork/C#/projectApp/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/projectApp.dll' has exited with code 0 (0x00000000). 在终端下dotnet运营运行又是正常,不报错。 bogon:projectApp JCNetwork-Mecil9$ dotnet run Project projectApp (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.1) was previously compiled...
快速信息操作失败: FE: 'Compiler exited with error - No IL available' 1. 2. 一开始我以为是单个工程解析问题,「不慌,问题不大」。 后来换了个工程尝试,「不论我如何的反复摩擦我洁白的键盘帽,始终不能出来查找引用的结果界面」,这时才发现,粗大事了。工欲善其事必先利其器,虽然进度有点赶,还是停下来...
Getting requirements to build wheel: finished with status 'error' Installing Python packages from /home/qinge/esp/esp-idf/requirements.txt error: subprocess-exited-with-error× Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ...