Repro steps: 1 - Trying to build with my application in vs code with below configuration, built get fail. Building Docker image... Sending build context to Docker daemon 266.8kB Failed to build Docker image: Error: Process exited with co...
Issue Type: Bug I open Visual Studio Code through developer command prompt. Then I press Terminal / New Terminal and receive an error code: the terminal process terminated with exit code: 1 VS Code version: Code 1.40.1 (8795a98, 2019-11-...
The program has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff). vscode成功进入gdb调试,运行过程中意外退出。 bug案发现场# 图1 案发现场 源代码# main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "13.h" int main() { Solution soLuTion; std::cout << soLuTion.romanToInt("MCMXCIV") << std::endl; std::cout <<...
ERROR: Command Install 'code' command in PATH exited with status code 1. 原因 在Windows系统中,我们想通过shell命令工具,添加code快捷指令,但是windows系统不存在这个指令。 解决办法 在系统的环境变量中将VScode的bin目录加进去...
(无异议)官网下载并且安装VSCode:Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined (无异议)安装好插件Code Runner:Code Runner - Visual Studio Marketplace (详细讲)准备C/C++的编译器:GCC+MinGW-w64 compiler for Windows (注意)如果你以后打算Qt for C++的话,那编译器按照Qt的来就行。
最近在Win10环境下使用VScode编写C++代码,编译器使用MinGW,看似正常的代码运行结果异常: 1.不用gdb直接运行,无任何输出(代码中有std::cout语句); 2.gdb调试运行,程序直接挂死,输出exited with code 32212…
问题:git 提交不上去 解决方法: "format": "prettier --write \"./**/*.{html,vue,ts,js,json,md}\"",
在VScode新建一个C# hello world。配置好launch.json和tasks.json,debug显示结果正常,但是最后扔一句: The program '/Users/JCNetwork-Mecil9/HomeWork/C#/projectApp/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/projectApp.dll' has exited with code 0 (0x00000000). 在终端下dotnet运营运行又是正常,不报错。 bogon:projectApp ...