在VScode新建一个C# hello world。配置好launch.json和tasks.json,debug显示结果正常,但是最后扔一句: The program '/Users/JCNetwork-Mecil9/HomeWork/C#/projectApp/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/projectApp.dll' has exited with code 0 (0x00000000). 在终端下dotnet运营运行又是正常,不报错。 bogon:projectApp J...
遵循Vscode自身的跑通C++的教程的时候,生成tasks.json文件之后,运行C++程序时,调试控制台会显示ERROR: Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command "-exec-run". During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135. 按照文章https://blog.csdn.net/wq3095435422/article/details/125167835操作,...
code-runner for 0.11.5 vscode-test-explorer hbe 2.21.1 vscode-python-test-adapter lit 0.7.0 mongodb-vscode mon 0.6.10 python ms- 2021.9.1246542782 test-adapter-converter ms- 0.1.2 svelte-vscode sve 105.4.0 python tht 0.2.3 material-theme zhu 3.11.4 (2 theme extensions excluded) A/B ...
最近在Win10环境下使用VScode编写C++代码,编译器使用MinGW,看似正常的代码运行结果异常: 1.不用gdb直接运行,无任何输出(代码中有std::cout语句); 2.gdb调试运行,程序直接挂死,输出exited with code 32212…
Brief Issue Summary: Hi everyone, I just set up xmake project with a very simple code just cout "Hello world" in one single file.The program runs and compiles as expected. However, when I want to debug it with F5, it crashes with the mes...
(无异议)官网下载并且安装VSCode:Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined (无异议)安装好插件Code Runner:Code Runner - Visual Studio Marketplace (详细讲)准备C/C++的编译器:GCC+MinGW-w64 compiler for Windows (注意)如果你以后打算Qt for C++的话,那编译器按照Qt的来就行。
The program has exited with code 0 (0x0) The program has exited with code 0 (0x0). The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x70db226e, on thread 0x9eb0. The error code is 0x...
i have just install VS code for C++, and try to print simple code the get this problem, how can i fix it During startup program exited with code 0xc000007b. i am using win10 x64
The program has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff). vscode成功进入gdb调试,运行过程中意外退出。 bug案发现场# 图1 案发现场 源代码# main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "13.h" int main() { Solution soLuTion; std::cout << soLuTion.romanToInt("MCMXCIV") << std::endl; std::cout <<...