After a while Vscode showed "Error while installing 'name of Extension' extension. Please check the [log] for more details." log: [error] CorruptZip: end of central directory record signature not found ... [error] end of central directory record signature not found: CorruptZip: end of cen...
Type: Bug the error not only appears for the python extension but for all extensions VS Code version: Code 1.91.0 (ea1445c, 2024-07-01T18:52:22.949Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045 Modes: Extensions: none A/B Experiments vsliv368:...
Re: vscode: "Something went wrong while getting the serial port list" PostbyESP_bignacio»Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:38 am Can you take a look at the extension log to see any related error - Windows: `%USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION\esp_idf_vsc_ext.log...
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_mixer could not initialize! SDL_mixer Error: %s\n", Mix_GetError()); ...
Installing .rpm package manually The.rpm package (64-bit)can also be manually downloaded and installed, however auto-updating won't work unless the repository above is installed. Once downloaded it can be installed using your package manager, for example withdnf: ...
Installing .rpm package manually The.rpm package (64-bit)can also be manually downloaded and installed, however auto-updating won't work unless the repository above is installed. Once downloaded it can be installed using your package manager, for example withdnf: ...
Continue commenting out operations until the error disappears. Note: Whilenvmis a powerful and useful Node.js package manager, it can cause slow shell startup times, if being run during shell initialization. You might consider package manager alternatives such asasdfor search on the internet fornv...
while [ $CURRENT_SIZE -lt $TOTAL_SIZE ] || [ $PERCENTAGE -lt 100 ]; do PERCENTAGE=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.0f\", $CURRENT_SIZE*100/$TOTAL_SIZE}") if ! [[ "$PERCENTAGE" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then PERCENTAGE=0
There are few dependencies required in your system and available in environment variable PATH before installing this extension: LinuxMacOSWindows Python 3.5+Python 3.5+C++ Build Tools PIPPIP GitGit CMakeCMake Ninja-buildNinja-build All the other dependencies like ESP-IDF and ESP-IDF Tools can be...