Hi VS Code Team, We are not able to install python and extensipons in the VS Code. All users are facing same issue. Could you please fix the issue as soon as possible. Error: Failed to install 'ms-python.python'. Thanks & Regards, Ram
When i try to install VS2010, Its not installing. I'm getting an error. It just try to install the framework 4 and failed. Below i paste the error log : [04/29/12,18:28:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: [2] Error code -939523550 for this component is not recognized. [04/29/12...
Installingfatih/gomodifytagsFAILED { "killed": false, "code": 1, "signal": null, "cmd": "E:\\Go_Install\\bin\\go.exe get -vfatih/gomodifytags", "stdout": "", "stderr": "go get: modulegithub.com/fatih/gomodifytags:Get \"https://proxy.golang.org/github.com/fatih/gomodifytag...
Installing golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest FAILED { "code": 1, "killed": false, "signal": null, "cmd": "C:\\Program Files\\Go\\bin\\go.exe install -v golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest", "stdout": "", "stderr": "go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.14.0\ngo: downloadin...
Download URL:Download address: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_85VS Code download URLVS Code version requirements:You are advised to use VS Code 1.85.2 or the la
今天在用vs code直接打开一个Java 文件的时候,vs code提示 [myfile].java is a non-project file, only syntax errors are reported 。如下图一所示。搜索了一下发现大部分都是关于Warning: Classpath is incomplete. Only syntax errors will be reported.跟... 查看原文 Installing the 'apache' service错误...
Installing VSIX in Visual Studio Code launch Visual Studio Code and go to extensions icon (or press ctrl-shift-x) in the Visual Studio code interface. This will open the extensions library This will launch the extension panel, at the top of the panel, click on th...
The version of VS Code I'm using: 1.85.1(user setup) OS: Windows 11 Note:I have already tried the below mentioned fixes, but nothing seems to work: 1: Installing from VSIX 2: Running as Administrator 3: Changing the DNS Visual Studio Extensions ...
I ran bisect while vscode failed installing. After reinstalling vscode, bicect opened & this is the output. It said something about chis arcadia was the issue? mb an extension? Reported here - #147763 Extension version: 1.3.8 VS Code version: Code 1.66.2 (dfd34e8, 2022-04-11T07:46:01...
Installing golang.org/x/lint/golint FAILED15tools failed to install.gocode:Error:Command failed: D:\Go\bin\go.exe get -v github.com/mdempsky/gocodego:finding github.com/mdempsky/gocode latest Fetching https://golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata?go-get=1https fetch failed: Get https...