启动时加上--disable-gpu选项 ctrp+shift+p打开命令面板,找到Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments命令,然后加上"disable-hardware-acceleration": true即可。
cd "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/MacOS" "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron.real" --disable-gpu "$@" //4.为Electron添加执行权限 chmod -R a+x Electron //5.大功告成,现在直接打开vscode已经是禁用gpu了 //可已经将自己创建的Electron文件备份到其他目录 /...
Open the Command Palette ( Ctrl+Shift+P ).Run the Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments command. This command will open a argv.json file to configure runtime arguments.You might see some default arguments there already.Add "disable-hardware-acceleration": true Restart VS Code.-...
3. 清空工作区设置:有时候vscode的配置文件中的设置可能会引起问题,可以尝试在命令面板中输入”Preferences: Open Workspace Settings”,然后将所有设置清空,再重新打开vscode。 4. 禁用硬件加速:打开vscode的用户设置(可以通过快捷键”Ctrl + ,”打开),搜索”gpu”,将”Editor: Disable GPU Acceleration”设置为true。
硬件加速问题:某些系统配置中的硬件加速问题可能导致VS Code运行时出现黑屏现象。尝试禁用硬件加速,打开设置面板并搜索关键词 "terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration"。将此选项设置为false以禁用硬件加速。 VS Code版本问题:确保你是在使用最新的VS Code版本。旧版本可能存在已知的问题,这可能导致黑屏。尝试更新或重新安装...
Runtime Arguments命令,然后在argv.jison文件中添加一行 "disable-hardware-acceleration": true ...
VSCode Version: 1.7.1-1478180561 OS Version: ubuntu 16.04 LTS more info: Guest OS using VM on VirtualBox 5.0.26, Guest Additions installed, unity_support_test reports Unity 3D supported = yes (everything is lit up with green yes) Steps t...
vscode解决办法是在启动时加 --disable-gpu 参数,如: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code...
--disable-gpu Disable GPU hardware acceleration. --max-memory Max memory size for a window (in Mbytes). --telemetry Shows all telemetry events which VS code collects. PS C:\Users\Vincent Huang> code --extensions-dir "D:\development\tools\VSCode-win32-x64-1.46.1\resources\app\extensions"...
--install-extension <ext> Installs an extension. --uninstall-extension <ext> Uninstalls an extension. --disable-extensions Disable all installed extensions. --disable-gpu Disable GPU hardware acceleration. -v, --version Print version. -h, --help Print usage. 👍 44 ...