Issue occurs since upgrade from VSCode 1.76 to 1.77. Downgrade to 1.76 fixes issue. When stepping into an async function in a javascript project, the debugger pauses on a function "promiseInitHookWithDestroyTracking" and shows "Unknown Source 328:3" ...
Bug Summary: When running the debugger, random segmentation faults have begun occuring, and the debugger will also stop on lines which do not have any breakpoint. This has only begin happening recently (within the last week), beforehand I was able to run the debugger without any issues. I ...
"miDebuggerServerAddress": "", //看你喜欢可以修改成什么能用的gdb,为了防止奇怪现象我选择了rv "miDebuggerPath": "/usr/local/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb", "environment": [], "externalConsole": false, "MIMode": "gdb", "preLaunchTask": "xv6build", "setupCommands": [ { ...
{"id":2,"verified":true,"source": {"name":"main.go","path":"/home/john/wsp/vscodewp/vscode-go-review/sampleWorkspace/main.go"},"line":8}, {"id":3,"verified":true,"source": {"name":"main.go","path":"/home/john/wsp/vscodewp/vscode-go-review/sampleWorkspace/main.go"},"li...
Step 1 针对attach debugger到子进程 采用vscode的python debugger插件,新建debugger config如下(编辑的是launch.json) {"name": "Python: Attach to Subprocess", //随便起名 "type": "python", "request": "attach", //附加到子进程 "processId": "${command:pickProcess}" //选择进程id ...
Debugger_LogWindow_LogTime=error Debugger_WatchItem_ValueNormal=text Debugger_WatchItem_ValueInvalid=textDisabled Debugger_WatchItem_ValueChanged=error Debugger_Breakpoint_TextMarkColor=message Welcome_TextColor=text Welcome_ForegroundPrimaryColor=text
安装完Debugger for Chrome插件后, 如果开发者采用的是LayaAirIDE 2.4.0beta 或更高版本创建的项目,LayaAirIDE在创建项目时会帮大家创建好VSCode调试配置文件.vscode/launch.json。 此时,先到LayaAirIDE里按快捷键F8编译一下,然后回到VSCode再按快捷键F5,即可启动VSCode中的断点调试,以及调起Chrome,显示运行效果。
主要分以下几步: 第一步,ts 生成 js 文件。 先安装ts: npm install -g typescript 检测安装成功后,tsc 命令把 ts 文件生成 js 文件,如下图: 第二步,dtsmake 通过 js 文件生成 d.ts 。 1. 全局安装 dtsmake: npm i install -g dtsmake 2. 文件目录安装 tern: npm install tern 3. ...
Fix problem with shift+enter not working after using goto source. (#5829) Fix CI failures related to history import changes. (#5844) Disable quoting of paths sent to the debugger as arguments. (#5861) Fix shift+enter to work in newly created files with cells. (#5879) Fix nightly failure...
{fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe", "args": [], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "environment": [], "externalConsole": true, "preLaunchTask": "MSYS2_64 C/C++: gcc.exe build active file", "MIMode": "gdb", "miDebuggerPath": "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/gdb.exe" } ...