"no-control-regex": 2,//禁止在正则表达式中使用控制字符 "no-debugger": 2,//禁止使用debugger "no-delete-var": 2,//不能对var声明的变量使用delete操作符 "no-div-regex": 1,//不能使用看起来像除法的正则表达式/=foo/ "no-dupe-keys": 2,//在创建对象字面量时不允许键重复 {a:1,a:1} "...
"preLaunchTask": "g++ compile", //在调试之前要进行的工作 compile是在 tasks.json 的编译任务里面的label /* --- Many debuggers support some of the following attributes: --- */ // executable or file to run when launching the debugger // !!不要在程序和代码的路径及文件名中出现空格!!否则...
CLion's bundled GDB, which is used as a client debugger by default, is built withmultiarchsupport, which makes it suitable for remote cross-platform debug in various Linux/Windows/macOS and embedded cases. Find the full list of the supported targets below. Remote targets supported by the bundl...
],"showLog":false,"logOutput":"debugger","dlvFlags": [ ],"hideSystemGoroutines":false,"dlvToolPath":"/data/repo/golang/gopath/bin/dlv","env": {"GOPATH":"/data/repo/golang/gopath"},"__buildDir":"/home/john/wsp/vscodewp/vscode-go-review/sampleWorkspace","__sessionId":"749925...
preLaunchTask :debug前需要执行的数据,直接给task.json中任务的name就行 postDebugTask :debug后需要指定的 program- executable or file to run when launching the debugger ${command:插件command},执行插件命令 args - arguments passed to the program to debug ...
Xcode + other compile system 几乎都只用到了Xcode的Editor的能力,无疑这块的体验基本都是弱于原生的xcodeproj的(无论是否通过generator方案),周边设施,例如Debugger instruments等依然可以复用生态□ 这里要特别强调 rules_xcodeproj 的bwb(build with bazel)模式由于方案中不再使用任何xcode原生理解索引的方式,通过 Git...
Another play button and hotkey next to the play button in the debugger to debug the active script but pass arguments before running the script. Example: User clicks Starts Debugging With Arguments button or presses hotkey to Starts Debugging With Arguments A prompt appears were users enters in ...
Just like when using the Node debugger, you configure these modes with a .vscode/launch.json file in the root directory of your project. You can create this file manually, or Code will create one for you if you try to run your project, and it doesn't exist yet....
The debug adapter will replace the local path with the remote path in all of the calls. "from": The absolute local path to be replaced when passing paths to the debugger.(Default: "") "to": The absolute remote path to be replaced when passing paths back to the client.(Default: "")...
miDebuggerServerAddress:对端地址,qemu会默认使用1234这个端口 配置完成之后,可以直接启动GDB, 连接上linux kernel 在vscode中,可以设置断点,进行单步调试 参考资料 利用Qemu-4.0虚拟ARM64实验平台 使用qemu搭建ARM64调试环境,支持文件共享,支持gdb调试_科学边界的博客-CSDN博客 ...