三、参考 [1].Passing command line arguments to a debug target #121
Unable to log remote console arguments Output omitted for an object that cannot be inspected (Error: [sxei.vscode-plugin-demo]: Proposed API is only available when running out of dev or with the following command line switch: --enable-proposed-api sxei.vscode-plugin-demo) 这里只能看成是新...
Debug with arguments without launch.json #80267 ericsnowcurrentlymentioned this on Sep 5, 2019 Allow extensions to support commandline arguments. #80409 ekumaresan commented on Oct 28, 2019 ekumaresan on Oct 28, 2019· edited by ekumaresan Edits When this feature would be available? if ...
To would be nice to have an option to pass command line arguments to a debug target which is selected in CMakeTools and launched on Ctrl+F5Contributor vector-of-bool commented Mar 3, 2017 It seems like the cmake.debugConfig setting entry is broken, as VSCode offers no help regarding it...
preLaunchTask :debug前需要执行的数据,直接给task.json中任务的name就行 postDebugTask :debug后需要指定的 program- executable or file to run when launching the debugger ${command:插件command},执行插件命令 args - arguments passed to the program to debug ...
会打印出错的栈信息 "xmake.customDebugConfig": { "console": "integratedTerminal" // XMake调试时使用集成终端而非 debug console,也可以使用 externalTerminal }, // [[C++]] // Clangd 运行参数(终端输入 clangd --help-list-hidden 可查看更多) "clangd.arguments": [ "--all-scopes-completion", //...
VSCode-Debug 安装插件:React Native Tools 选中Debug: rn_debug_0.png rn_debug_1.png rn_debug_2.png 配置debug https://www.react-native.cn/docs/debugging yarn global add react-devtools react-devtools 配置指定版本的模拟器或真机 React-Native 使用真机和指定模拟器调试 ...
internalConsole - IDE debug console (input stream not supported). integratedTerminal - IDE integrated terminal. externalTerminal - External terminal that can be configured in user settings. shortenCommandLine - When the project has long classpath or big VM arguments, the command line to launch the...
<asm/cacheflush.h> static int kernel_init(void *); extern void init_IRQ(void); extern void fork_init(void); extern void radix_tree_init(void); /* * Debug helper: via this flag we know that we are in 'early bootup code' * where only the boot processor is running with IRQ ...
CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO是为了方便调试 CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE是指定kernel ramdisk的位置,这样指定之后ramdisk会直接被编译到kernel 镜像中。 我们将之前制作好的根文件系统cp到root目录下: # bryant @ ubuntu in ~/Downloads/linux-arm64 on git:main x [1:26:56] $ cp -r ../busybox-1.33.1/_install root...