新建pydevd_plugin_pytorch_tensor_str.py,内容为 '''A simple example to show tensor shape on d...
实测在NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti,在DEBUG CONSOLE中打印一个这样的变量:[Tensor(shape=(663, 655), dtype=torch.bool), Tensor(shape=(663, 655), dtype=torch.bool)], 大概需要18.23s。相当的慢。 如果调试的程序中,包含特别多的包,那么定位到引起调试代码,单步调试特别慢的原因,不是很容易。 卡顿情况定...
Tensor(x, dtype=ms_dtype) pt_x = torch.tensor(x, dtype=pt_dtype) # output pt_out = pt_model(pt_x, seq_len) ms_out = ms_model(ms_x, seq_len) # shape & loss assert ms_out[0].shape == pt_out[0].shape assert ms_out[1].shape == pt_out[1].shape assert np.allclose(...
Tensor x(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({2, 1})); auto x_flat = x.flat<float>(); x_flat.setRandom(); std::cout << "x_flat: " << x_flat << std::endl; Eigen::Tensor<float, 0, Eigen::RowMajor> inv_norm = x_flat.square().sum().sqrt().inverse(); ...
vscode python在进行debug是,对于numpy.array torch.tensor等类型,查看shape很麻烦,需要一直翻下去,如图 而pycharm则可以在不打开变量情况下,看到类型和shape,如图 有什么插件或者方法能实现类似效果的吗 分享51 vscode吧 VV一笑很倾城3 大佬们,用vscode写python的时候出现unresolved import怎么办 在同一个文件夹下,...
I often wish there were a decent visualizer for NumPy/PyTorch tensors. Debugging dimension indexing bugs with the way the Python extension displays tensors is a total drag :( I know that Debug Visualizer has grid visualization, but that ...
Added support for GPU-backed and sparse PyTorch tensors. When exporting to CSV, the data index will now be included if it has been changed from the default index (for example ifset_indexhas been used). Custom operations now use isolated scoping. This means that variables declared in operatio...
vscode python在进行debug是,对于numpy.array torch.tensor等类型,查看shape很麻烦,需要一直翻下去,如图 而pycharm则可以在不打开变量情况下,看到类型和shape,如图 有什么插件或者方法能实现类似效果的吗 分享51 vscode吧 加朵啊 关于vscode里面python的函数定义未找到,无法跳转,求大佬其他函数都是正常的,可以正常跳转。
0x02 调试过程 0x03 插曲 0x04 vscode配置 0xff 参考链接 环境搭建参加参考链接, 对源码进行编译安装 0x01 code importtorchfromtorch.profilerimportprofile,record_function,ProfilerActivitydevice=torch.device('cuda')a=torch.tensor([3,3],device=device)b=torch.tensor([4,4],device=device)withprofile(activ...