5. Commenting Code Blocks: To quickly comment out a block of code, you can use the shortcut key `Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C`. To uncomment the code block, use the shortcut key `Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U`. These are the basic ways to add comments in the English version of VS Code. Rememb...
切换行注释 Toggle line comment 很多语言注释都是用//开头的,所以不难记,而且有这个,上面两项基本就不需要了。另外和前面的行处理命令一样,选了多行就可以形成多行注释 太好用的功能了,一定要用心记住啊 Shift + Alt + A 切换块注释 Toggle block comment 不好记,不知道A如何关联,而且还用次一级的Shift+...
Shift+Alt+A Toggle block comment 把选定的块注释掉; Alt+Z Toggle word wrap 切换到自动换行,当你的行很长,不换行就用这个快捷键; Navigation - 导航 Ctrl+T Show all Symbols 显示所有符号; Ctrl+G Go to Line... 弹出导航栏,输入你要去的行号回车; Ctrl+P Go to File... 查找文件; Ctrl+Shift+...
Shift+Alt+A 切换块注释 Toggle block comment Alt+Z 切换换行 Toggle word wrap 导航 Navigation 按Press 功能Function Ctrl + T 显示所有符号 Show all Symbols Ctrl + G 转到行… Go to Line… Ctrl + P 转到文件… Go to File… Ctrl + Shift + O 转到符号… Go to Symbol… Ctrl + Shift + ...
Ctrl+/切换行注释 Toggle line comment Shift+Alt+A切换块注释 Toggle block comment Alt+Z切换换行 Toggle word wrap 导航Navigation 代码语言:javascript 复制 按Press 功能 Function Ctrl+T显示所有符号 Show all Symbols Ctrl+G转到行...Go to Line...Ctrl+P转到文件...Go to File...Ctrl+Shift+O转到符号...
vscode: Visual Studio Code 常用快捷键 主命令框 F1 或 Ctrl+Shift+P: 打开命令面板。在打开的输入框内,可以输入任何命令,例如: 按一下 Backspace 会进入到 Ctrl+P 模式 在Ctrl+P 下输入 > ...
VS Code Version: 1.68.1 OS Version: Windows 10 Home Steps to Reproduce: Crush with special indent ? when I comment/uncomment or tab the following content, my vscode crush self.blocks = nn.Sequential( *([basic_block(input_feature_channels, output_feature_channels, self.conv_op, self.conv_...
name: On Comment on: issue_comment: types: [created] # also make changes in ./on-label.yml jobs: main: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout Actions uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: "microsoft/vscode-github-triage-actions" path: ./actions ref: stable - name: Ins...
"command": "editor.action.blockComment", "when": "editorTextFocus" }, // 定制与 sublime 相同的大小写转换快捷键,需安装 TextTransform 插件 { "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+u", "command": "uppercase", "when": "editorTextFocus" }, {
原文章地址:vscode: Visual Studio Code 常用快捷键 官方快捷键说明:Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code 主命令框 F1或Ctrl+Shift+P: 打开命令面板。在打开的输入框内,可以输入任何命令,例如: 按一下Backspace会进入到Ctrl+P模式 在Ctrl+P下输入>可以进入Ctrl+Shift+P模式 ...