切换块注释 Toggle block comment Alt + Z 切换换行 Toggle word wrap 导航Navigation 按Press 功能Function Ctrl + T 显示所有符号 Show all Symbols Ctrl + G 转到行... Go to Line... Ctrl + P 转到文件... Go to File... Ctrl + Shift + O 转到符号... Go to Symbol... Ctrl + Shift + ...
"button","text","icon","image","navigator","block","input","template","form","camera","textarea"],"zenMode.restore":true,"breadcrumbs.enabled":true,"[wxml]": {"editor.defaultFormatter": "qiu8310.minapp-vscode"},"gitlens.advanced.messages": {"suppress...
Shift+Alt+A Toggle block comment 把选定的块注释掉; Alt+Z Toggle word wrap 切换到自动换行,当你的行很长,不换行就用这个快捷键; Navigation - 导航 Ctrl+T Show all Symbols 显示所有符号; Ctrl+G Go to Line... 弹出导航栏,输入你要去的行号回车; Ctrl+P Go to File... 查找文件; Ctrl+Shift+...
VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) 常用 General
一、vs code 的常用快捷键 1、注释: a) 单行注释:[ctrl+k,ctrl+c] 或 ctrl+/ b) 取消单行注释:[ctrl+k,ctrl+u] (按下ctrl不放,再按k + u) c) 多行注释:[alt+shift+A] d) 多行注释:/** 2、移动行:alt+up/down 3、显示/隐藏左侧目录栏 ctrl + b ...
Shift+Alt+A切换块注释 Toggle block comment Alt+Z切换换行 Toggle word wrap 导航Navigation 按Press功能 Function Ctrl + T显示所有符号 Show all Symbols Ctrl + G转到行... Go to Line... Ctrl + P转到文件... Go to File... Ctrl + Shift + O转到符号... Go to Symbol... ...
因为VS Code是开源的,所以我们可以自由的访问它在Github上的开源地址:https://github.com/microsoft/vscode 。通过查看源代码根目录下的package.json文件,我们可以发现,VS Code其实是基于Electron这样一个专门制作跨平台桌面软件的框架而搭建的。VS Code这款软件的组成,其实是里面嵌入了一个Chrome浏览器外加一个Node....
Aggressive optimizations throughout the entire code base. 3.42 - Feb 05, 2014 Changed name from "VS10x Code Map" to "VS10x CodeMAP" (i.e. no space) to solve name collision with Microsoft's Code Map feature in VS2013 Ultimate (we were not looking for this...) ...
Block comments Generally apply to some (or all) code that follows them, and are indented to the same level as that code. Each line of a block comment starts with a # and a single space (unless it is indented text inside the comment). ...
Indicates how indenting is handled in a code editor. C++/CX publicenumclassvsIndentStyle Inheritance Enum vsIndentStyle Fields NameValueDescription vsIndentStyleNone0 Indicates no indenting. vsIndentStyleDefault1 Indicates block indenting. vsIndentStyleSmart2 ...