5. Commenting Code Blocks: To quickly comment out a block of code, you can use the shortcut key `Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C`. To uncomment the code block, use the shortcut key `Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U`. These are the basic ways to add comments in the English version of VS Code. Rememb...
自用VsCode配置文件 {"name":"karle","settings":"{\"settings\":\"{\\r\\n\\t\\\"liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser\\\": \\\"chrome\\\",\\r\\n\\t\\\"liveServer.settings.donotShowInfoMsg\\\": true,\\r\\n\\t\\\"workbench.iconTheme\\\": \\\"material-icon-theme\\\",\\r...
For instance, you can create a file variable with value of other request variables like @token = {{loginAPI.response.body.token}}. When referencing a file variable, you can use the percent % to percent-encode the value. File variables can be defined in a separate request block only ...
没有被选中, 记得选中它,否则 你的操作将无效!) 其它:在此搜索某个快捷键。例如搜索注释的快捷键。 Google浏览器中按 ctrl + f , 输入 注释 就会跳转到相关位置。
{ "blockComment": ["/*", "*/"] }, "brackets": [ ["{", "}"], ["[", "]"], ["(", ")"] ], "autoClosingPairs": [ { "open": "{", "close": "}", "notIn": ["string", "comment"] }, { "open": "[", "close": "]", "notIn": ["string", "comment"] },...
可以先按住Shift + Alt键不放,再按下鼠标左键,使用鼠标滑过需要选中的区块 You can first hold downShift + Alt, then press the left mouse button, and use the mouse to slide over the block that needs to be selected 可以通过Ctrl + D快捷键选中光标所在的单词 You can pressCtrl + Dto select the...
当年我们是怎么记忆他们的呢,你记住BlocK这个词就OK,字头B就是块首,字尾K就是块尾 ——— 上次写这个的时候,VsCode是版本(V1.34),目前已经是(V1.41)了,尽管快捷键增加的不多,但是上次写的匆忙,有朋友反映还是看不太懂,所以这次再补写一些内容。 文中的...
List of Textmate tokens for dedented code block declarations (e.g.ELSE,ELSEIF). Tokens still need to be listed inindentationwith the decrementing value-1. exclude(string) VS Code glob pattern for files to exclude from workspace symbol search. ...
(collapse) all regions Ctrl+K Ctrl+J 展开(未折叠)所有区域 Unfold (uncollapse) all regions Ctrl+K Ctrl+C 添加行注释 Add line comment Ctrl+K Ctrl+U 删除行注释 Remove line comment Ctrl+/ 切换行注释 Toggle line comment Shift+Alt+A 切换块注释 Toggle block comment Alt+Z 切换换行 Toggle ...
"editorTextFocus" }, // 与删除一行的快捷键互换 { "key": "ctrl+shift+k", "command": "editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch", "when": "editorFocus" }, // ctrl+shift+/多行注释 { "key":"ctrl+shift+/", "command": "editor.action.blockComment", "when": "editorTextFocus" }, ...