二、方法 在.vscode/目录下新建settings.json文件,并将待传底的参数写在cmake.debugConfig里。 下面介绍了一个示例,将参数first_arg,second-arg和third arg传递给程序(此处需要注意,third arg中间虽然存在空格,但是仍然被视作一个参数): settings.json文件内容为: {"cmake.debugConfig":{"args":["first_arg",...
点击直接下载链接:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.cmake-tools 2.cla...
Passing command line arguments to a debug target · Issue #121 · microsoft/vscode-cmake-tools (...
CMake: Debug and launch CMake Tools makes it easier to set up debugging. Because C and C++ projects may define multiple (sometimes dozens or even hundreds) of executables, creating a launch.json may be difficult. If you define any executable targets via CMake, CMake Tools wi...
安装clangd可直接从官方github release页面下载:https://github.com/clangd/clangd/releases。 如果自行编译,需要给 cmake 的LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS选项传入clang-tools-extra,然后等待30分钟~1小时(根据CPU情况确定)。 配置clangd将 clangd 安装路径放入 PATH, 然后重开 VSCode。
Debug a project Pass command-line arguments to the debugger Set up include paths for C++ IntelliSense Kits How kits are found and defined Kit options Configure CMake configuration process overview The CMake tools configure step The configure step outside of CMake Tools ...
Pass command-line arguments to the debugger SeeDebug using a launch.json file. Set up include paths for C++ IntelliSense CMake Tools currently supports Microsoft's ms-vscode.cpptools extension. If the ms-vscode.cpptools extension is installed and enabled, then configuring your project will provide...
vscode+cmake下debug报错Target debugging is no longer supported with the legacy driver_ccJun 使用launch.json文件进行调试 gdb { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "(gdb) Launch", "type": "cppdbg", "request": "launch", ...
配置task.json文件,编译vs studio项目,即可使用vscode调试vs studio项目(c++和c# launch.json中选择正确的配置,c#使用clr而非dotnetclr,c++使用cmake.launchTargetPath) 代码语言:javascript 复制 {"label":"build","type":"shell","command":"C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/MS...