– 如果你想一次删除多个项目文件夹,可以使用“File”菜单中的“Close Folder”选项。这将关闭所有选定的项目文件夹。 – 如果你想从工作区中删除多个项目文件夹,只需重复上述步骤2中的操作。 4. 如果你想从文件系统中彻底删除项目文件夹,可以通过以下步骤: –在VSCode的侧边栏中右键单击要删除的项目文件夹,选择“...
Ctrl+K F 关闭文件夹 Close folder Ctrl+\ 拆分编辑器 Split editor Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 聚焦到第1,第2或第3编辑器组 Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→ 聚焦到上一个/下一个编辑器组 Focus into previous/next editor group Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / PgDown 向左/向右移动编辑...
Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab长按Ctrl,Tab或Shift+Tab切换 Alt+ ← / →Go back / forward 不显示面板,不容易看到 Alt+number根据tab页面窗口顺序,首选 Ctrl+M将Tab设置为“仅控制状态”与取消 Ctrl+B打开/关闭左侧边栏 Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+WClose editor 关闭编辑器 Ctrl+K FClose folder 关闭文件夹 没大屏台式一...
Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+W 关闭编辑器 Close editor Ctrl+K F 关闭文件夹 Close folder Ctrl+\ 拆分编辑器 Split editor Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 聚焦到第1,第2或第3编辑器组 Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→ 聚焦到上一个/下一个编辑器组 Focus into previous/next editor group ...
Ctrl+KF关闭文件夹 Close folder Ctrl+\ 拆分编辑器 Split editor Ctrl+1/2/3聚焦到第1,第2或第3编辑器组 Focus into 1st,2nd or 3rd editor group Ctrl+KCtrl+←/→ 聚焦到上一个/下一个编辑器组 Focus into previous/next editor group Ctrl+Shift+PgUp/PgDown 向左/向右移动编辑器 Move editor left...
System Information VSCode Version: 1.52.0 OS Version: macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Steps to Reproduce Have a process running that is creating/deleting files within a folder in the Explorer view. Attempt to create a new file or folder within th...
{"key":"cmd+w","command":"workbench.action.closeEditorsInGroup"} 在Windows / Linux的: {"key":"ctrl+w","command":"workbench.action.closeEditorsInGroup"} 窗口管理 VS Code有一些选项可以控制在会话之间打开或恢复窗口(实例)的方式。 这些设置window.openFoldersInNewWindow和window.openFilesInNewWindow...
So, let's try again in odd year and see if we have better luck. Instead of not know which folder I am looking (left image), please add a sticky header function for the explorer view to show the folder where I am looking at like the right image According to #140971 (comment), it...
.moveEditorRightInGroup"},{"key": "ctrl+numpad0","command": "editor.action.fontZoomReset"},{"key": "alt+e","command": "workbench.action.switchWindow"},{"key": "alt+insert","command": "explorer.newFile"},{"key": "shift+alt+insert","command": "explorer.newFolder"},{"key": ...
以下为个人vscode默认配置,主要为个人备份查看,大家仅供参考。 代码语言:javascript 复制 {"workbench.colorTheme":"Default Dark+","explorer.confirmDelete":false,"editor.fontSize":14,"files.autoSave":"onFocusChange","files.associations":{"*.vue":"vue"},"editor.wordWrap":"on","debug.console.closeOn...